Shooting a 1000yrds with the new ARC .224 with a budget of 2g?

Just for fun:

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Good Luck with this.

The only folks claiming 'game changer' status are the advertising writers for Hornady (who have done a great job in the past deluding us). The wannnabe influencers also join in the fray just so they can say they know more than we do...

At 1,000 yards your drop will be 315 inches or 26-1/4' (feet), drift is 6.2' (feet). Your scope choice, not including add-ons, should have this much available correction or add more money for a better range of adjustments.

Personally, I'd look at another cartridge and get some better ballistic information to use when making these decisions. Sorry to make this judgment but $2,000 is simply not enough to create the rifle +scope you want, to achieve what you're asking.

Now, on the other hand, it's your money and you are certainly able to spend it as you see fit.

Enjoy the search!
ir, Your not the first person to explain this challenge and I really appreciate the info. As a very young man, In basic training, with a strait away tail wind well over 20mph (Ft. Sill, Ok) I was incredibly lucky to hit a pop up at 700yrds with an M-16 A3 Shooting off a sand bag. Using 55g. Army issue 5.56 @3270fps (according to what they made us memorize...always doubted the speed but you can't argue with a drill Sergeant...) I have been hooked on the AR rifle ever since. As I have gotten older, and became somewhat knowledgeable of the limitations of that round and rifle, I realize I was indeed, lucky to hit that shot...(actually did it 3 times, twice while the senior drill was watching). The scope within my budget is the zhd520r-Zulus HD it for $580.00 (new)...The cold hammer forged 20' barrel is from Palmetto State Arms...on sale $480.00 (1-7) twist. Lower is a CMMG with a Rock River Trigger $346.00. Next purchase will be a good precision platform to shoot from. Got about $600.00 to spend on this. Will rely on my phone app. for weather conditions at the time. I see your data on the 88g ARC. I considered this round but choose the 62 grain (see attached BC chart)'s currently without wind drift but I am working on that problem. I understand the sales pitch Hornady's sending my way and will consider other rounds if unsuccessful. Always liked a challenge and just starting to enjoy my retirement. I am looking forward to what I might learn from this project and other shooters like you. PLEASE feel free to pass on any knowledge or advice....It would be welcomed. With respect...Jeff S.
You are correct, it would be more like 29 MOA and closer to 300 inches of drop.

18" barrel with 1-7" twist
In my rifle I'm getting right at 3150fps with the 62gr ELD-VT and a little over 2800 with the 88gr ELD-M. The BC on the 88gr is considerably higher than the 62's and will stay supersonic somewhere around 200 yards further. Plus, the wind deflection is better with the 88 starting relatively quick. According to the numbers, the 88 should make for a better 1000-yard projectile.
The 75's shoot the best in my rifle so I'm currently using them.
B,,Hornady sent me the table......big difference is they are using a 24' barrel and shoot in an underground tunnel (no wind) at 200yrds in order to get their 3400fps speed. Switching to the 88g on your suggestion. Big thanks... P.S...How is that 75g performing past 400 yrds in your 18' barrel and can you go further accurately? With respect...Jeff S.


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I shoot IPSC plates at 900-1000yds all the time with 18" SPR rifle and 77SMKs, It takes more skill than money to make it happen. That's not to say I dissuade people from buying high end gear, but I'm trying to say "One can't buy enough to make up for LOFT. "Lack Of ___Talent" 🤣

ETA: With your stated experience and budget, you can definitely make it happen without breaking the bank.
B...big thanks for the encouragement....(not getting a lot of that) Impressive shooting with rifle sir! Wish I had the budget for high end stuff but, unfortunately my broke A.....s.......s.....retired teacher pension does not go far. My hopes are LOFT doesn't catch up to me and I can master the BC on 88g ARC round with my Zulus HD 5-20. Will let you know how it turns out. Are you reloading the SMK's? If so, what powder are you using?
B,,Hornady sent me the table......big difference is they are using a 24' barrel and shoot in an underground tunnel (no wind) at 200yrds in order to get their 3400fps speed. Switching to the 88g on your suggestion. Big thanks... P.S...How is that 75g performing past 400 yrds in your 18' barrel and can you go further accurately? With respect...Jeff S.
The chart you have looks off, especially the come up number....I got way different results....below are the inputs I used and chart.


J...used Hornady's B-calc (Their suggestion) for these numbers. I will be using Zulus software calculations that came with the 5-20 digital scope. Knowing something about physics (Master's in Science on my end) it would seem that all the math on this would be the same and you should get same results regardless of what Calc. you are using given you put in the same numbers. This is freaking me out a little. I don't like variables....but I guess it's what we are dealing with. Just got to get out there and do it. See what happens. Just like any other experiment.....:) Big Thanks.....With respect....Jeff S.
J...used Hornady's B-calc (Their suggestion) for these numbers. I will be using Zulus software calculations that came with the 5-20 digital scope. Knowing something about physics (Master's in Science on my end) it would seem that all the math on this would be the same and you should get same results regardless of what Calc. you are using given you put in the same numbers. This is freaking me out a little. I don't like variables....but I guess it's what we are dealing with. Just got to get out there and do it. See what happens. Just like any other experiment.....:) Big Thanks.....With respect....Jeff S.
Your rifle/scope zero would have to be in the vicinity of 950(+) yards to only have 29" of drop @ 1000. 29 moa seems more likely.
B...big thanks for the encouragement....(not getting a lot of that) Impressive shooting with rifle sir! Wish I had the budget for high end stuff but, unfortunately my broke A.....s.......s.....retired teacher pension does not go far. My hopes are LOFT doesn't catch up to me and I can master the BC on 88g ARC round with my Zulus HD 5-20. Will let you know how it turns out. Are you reloading the SMK's? If so, what powder are you using?
You bet, but I'm an idiot. I was talking 5.56 77SMKs. DOH! ARC, it should be even easier! I will advise to get a regular scope, even an Arken EP5, or Athlon Eres/Helos for the best budget scope. Digital scopes are for way shorter range.
Call me crazy...Been hiding $ from my wife for a while and have managed to come up with 2 thousand dollars. Got a decent 20'' barrel, good trigger on the CMMG lower and a good digital scope with BC Cal./phone software...etc. Will also use a suppressor. Goal is to hit a silhouette (standard size) at 1000 yrds. in day and night conditions. Looking for: a decent used portable weather device and precision rifle sled (A Ransom Rest?) Hornady has been helping me out with the ballistics of their new 62g ARC round. Anyone out there have above mentioned for sale? Also, does anyone out there have ANY advice? I am a semi-good shot but this is the first time I am trying to reach distance with such a small, fast round.
Hope that you and your family are doing well!
I already mention to check with Nez "bamban" about the .223 for LR.
You mentioned $$$s that you can afford. Check with John at "White Oak Armament" He can steer you in the right direction and has very good prices on Barrels & Uppers to shoot LR. We have several Barrels and uppers along with accessories needed to build a LR AR.
What's a digital scope? Like a Revic?
In all my best ignorance.....From what I have read about this Zulus scope and the limited experience I have with it... EX: Enter all ballistics info, zero at 100, use the laser to pick my next target, say at 400 yrds, enter the weather/wind info at time of shot, push a button and scope will digitally (on the screen) show me the hold over/windage red dot. Which you could use as your point of aim or another adjustment can be made and the red dot will digitally adjust to the center, which you can use as your aiming point. At this time, if your trigger pull is good, your reloads or purchased ammo is consistent and the Gods of shooting are looking down upon you, your bullet will strike the target. All digitally figured by the computer. Is this like a Revic? From my very little understanding of Revic and the Python software, which uses modules, functions and classes of shooting info, I would guess Zulus uses functions to digitally calculate aiming points. Three dimensional calculus (thank you Sir Isaac Newton) is a class that perplexed me and I was very glad the teacher curved the grades! :) Five years ago, these types of scopes were crazy money. Today, if lucky, you can find a sale and get one that will do all of the above for under $600.00 bucks. Ain't American Tech. Great! :)
@onethousandyrd I finally dedicated my focus to this thread and endeavor of yours, and I need to check my "egocentrism" (Saying something is easy for everyone based upon my level of talent & experience) I will shoot you straight on some things I saw you post. Consider it the "shooters tough love" advice. Hate me now, thank me later kinda stuff.

I demoed a Pulsar Digex C50 Day/Night scope with same resolution specd with the Zulus. The digital zoom past 7X made things a bit grainy. 14X was practically unusable to the extent of LR requirements. I didn't attempt 1000yd shots because it never even crossed my mind I'd use it for that. I would put the daytime max range at 300yds for "precision hits" on an IPSC plate with that $1500 camera/scope. I highly doubt a $600 camera/scope with 20X is going to resolve the image any better than the Pulsar. Night time use, with IR emitter, I could hit a coyote size target at 250yds, deer size target 400yds. Past 400yds I'd have zero confidence considering the pixelation on zoom. Not to mention the parallax error induced with a digital scope at LR. These scopes are for shooting varmints n such within a few hundred yards at night.

Thinking you can plug in a bunch of data and have the rig shoot as intended...buddy, Murphy must not even know your name! Or he's too busy trying to wreck my program. For instance, don't rely upon the cell phone weather report to be accurate for LR shooting. You don't want relative pressure data the weather station sends, you want STATION PRESSURE! The two can be very different. I know this because I've seen me make this mistake way back in the day.

Wind. Nothing but experience will enable you to call wind speed and value. You can use a Kestrel, but it's important after time to gauge this without the use of one and to see first hand how wind effects/deflects the bullet flight. Wind at the target can be different than wind at the shooter. Wind can increase/decrease and change value in the time it takes to settle in behind the gun and go through the shot sequence. This is why an experienced/competent spotter is an immense benefit to a shooter and why sniper teams operate in this manner. When I started out solo, I placed 3 IPSC plates abreast at 1000 and shot at the one furthest into the wind with no windage correction to see how far the wind pushed the bullet. Then I was able to conceptualize that deflection and correct with the proper hold or dial correction. Or you attempt to correct and the plates on either side pick up your misses. Misses are more important to understand than the hits.

You better make sure your homebrew rig is gas tuned and plain tuned all around. Like, 4 o'clock ejection, no over gassing, etc. POI and precision will change when tuning to optimum.

Your precision platform should be a front bag, or bipod with a weighted rear bag shooting bench or prone. If you haven't utilized a rear bag to steady your shot, and prevent vertical stringing, do get to learning. Make sure the buttstock is placed in your chest before putting the bag in place. I and many others make the mistake of letting the rear bag do most the work and this will dampen results.

If you go out banging steel at 1000yds out the gate, then bravo to you! If things don't go as planned, you hopefully have a better understanding of why.

Full recommendation:
Bolt gun (Gassers are second, but probably your first, lol)
Glass optics as I suggested previous
Good Spotter glass and person.
3ft caution tape near the plate
Attempt with 0-5mph winds

Good luck!