sheered off one of my rings

I'm a huge fan of dual dovetail. Except that I prefer Burris Signatures.

The plastic inserts swivel to avoid putting the scope tube in a bind. The also protect the scope tube from ring marks. Best of all you can use offset inserts to add MOA for long range use.

Same here, forgot to mention that.

I've changed all my rifles, except the Rem 7400 I purchased when I was 14, over to Burris Signature rings. Some have dual dovetails, some have rear windage. Torqued correctly I've had no issues at all.
No more rear windage bases for me, ever. I also had one fail, but on a 7mm mag. IMO the best standard scope mounts are Talley steel rings and bases. If you go picatinney, I like Nightforce bases and either TPS, Burris, Badger, etc, rings.
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