Shed Hunting


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2013
Best social distancing you can do right now is to look for sheds. Neighbor farmer lets me on his crop lands to looksee. Took my wife for walk yesterday and we found left side large spike about 1' long in his cut bean field. He was thrilled since he gets an antler in a tractor tire often enough. This was my wife's first time seeing one in the field so she was thrilled to get it for her decorative stuff. SO another cool thing to do while cooling heels. Headed out again today to walk his cut corn where it is really tough to spot one. But still nice to get air and actually have a mission.
I like to use the scrape line that a buck makes as a guide to find larger drops, I also look for thick brush that they go through and this is normally where i find them. we have to get on them soon after the drop because varmints will chew them up if you don't pick them up soon after they drop.

Did not like finding this one up behind the PA camp.


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Best social distancing you can do right now is to look for sheds. Neighbor farmer lets me on his crop lands to looksee. Took my wife for walk yesterday and we found left side large spike about 1' long in his cut bean field. He was thrilled since he gets an antler in a tractor tire often enough. This was my wife's first time seeing one in the field so she was thrilled to get it for her decorative stuff. SO another cool thing to do while cooling heels. Headed out again today to walk his cut corn where it is really tough to spot one. But still nice to get air and actually have a mission.
Bucks are finally dropping last two days here. Want then to drop in my front or back yard . They congregate behind a vacant house across street .
This is one way to get them to shed. Bungies .
I like to use the scrape line that a buck makes as a guide to find larger drops, I also look for thick brush that they go through and this is normally where i find them. we have to get on them soon after the drop because varmints will chew them up if you don't pick them up soon after they drop.
Good tip and you do have to find them pretty quick to avoid damage. I had a buddy that trained his lab to find antlers, dog really got into it and covered ground and located them by smell and sight I guess. On a given walk we might find one between us and the dog would find two or more and come proudly lugging them up to him. One time he brought him a skull with horns, big long tined 9 pointer, it was all he could do to carry/drag it to him.
Good tip and you do have to find them pretty quick to avoid damage. I had a buddy that trained his lab to find antlers, dog really got into it and covered ground and located them by smell and sight I guess. On a given walk we might find one between us and the dog would find two or more and come proudly lugging them up to him. One time he brought him a skull with horns, big long tined 9 pointer, it was all he could do to carry/drag it to him.
I let my Chesapeake
Best social distancing you can do right now is to look for sheds. Neighbor farmer lets me on his crop lands to looksee. Took my wife for walk yesterday and we found left side large spike about 1' long in his cut bean field. He was thrilled since he gets an antler in a tractor tire often enough. This was my wife's first time seeing one in the field so she was thrilled to get it for her decorative stuff. SO another cool thing to do while cooling heels. Headed out again today to walk his cut corn where it is really tough to spot one. But still nice to get air and actually have a mission.
I let my Chessie smell an antler and take it with me. Say magic words find it and he will hunt them till I call him off. Like saying dead bird. He doesn't give up. I have seen some bucks with antlers few days ago ! April 8th. ???
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