I'm a recovering knife addict...I also did a knife sharpening service for a while. That included sharpening some hundreds of China steel gas station things. I have 0-1, A-2, CPM 154, 3V, Elmax, AUS 8, AUS 10, laminated steel, then the absurd amount of axes I own in various axe steels...Anyway, when processing game animals, like 6-8 deer with the camp group I noticed all of my knife steels dulled to the same degree in the same amount of time, but A-2 steel has been the easiest to bring back to razor sharp and lasts as long as the "super steels" My EDC Elmax blade might as well be 1055 as long as it holds an edge.
With all that said, I firmly believe in the edge geometry and quality heat treat over any new fangled, latest & greatest Super steel. Pretty much how the firearms industry keeps coming out with newer and better cartridges...
With all that said, I firmly believe in the edge geometry and quality heat treat over any new fangled, latest & greatest Super steel. Pretty much how the firearms industry keeps coming out with newer and better cartridges...