Well today I had another change in the electric program to target another section of nerves, but it may take a few days to feel the change. It is not going as well as I hoped it would. During the "Trial Implants" I had a day where the pain was 90% relieved. It has been six weeks since I had the Implant Leads, wires, and Battery Pack installed. They usually install (2) SCS Leads in the spine, but there was not enough room in my spine with all the metal and they could only put (1) Lead in. Still having a lot of pain. The pain in my spine from C-1 to C-6 is almost gone, but in the C-7 and T-1 area I still have pain and need to take pain meds for any relief. I had six different programs so far and just need to get the one program that will work better. I think they told me that there are about 30 different programs in the SCS so there is still HOPE. The fifth program gave me about 20% less pain so hope #6 program will be better. Without the SCS I difficulty in watching the TV or even talking. Now between the SCS and Pain meds I can at least enjoy a meal, watch a movie and read posts on LRH. Hopefully soon I can greatly reduce the medication. Plenty more programs in the SCS to try. So praying keeping my faith and I know that eventually I'll get back to building rifles and a lot of shooting. We have three new Reamers from JGS arriving any day so need to turn some barrels. Also starting to get cold here so Coyotes and night hunting are here.Len,
How is your treatment/recovery going. I din't want to hijack DJ's post.
Hope you are getting better
Thanks for thinking of me. God Bless to all!