second choice bullet? 260

My son and I both shot bulls w/243. I hunted ID W/257 weatheerby for elk. Not familiar with your are but think you have a good chance, hunted not to far on MT SIDE
It is a little unorthodox but I used a 140 gr. out of my 6.5 creedmoor to take an elk at 370 last year. the bullet performed very impressively... took out the heart and lungs went through the opposite shoulder blade and stopped just inside the skin on the far side. The elk dropped in mid stride. i was getting 3 inch 5 shot groups at 500. it has a decent bc as well.

Which 140?
airstream---With the negative things you are facing with the wolves and lack of a decent number of animals where you are going because of them IMHO I would not be compounding the problems by taking a .243 on that hunt. They are a great little caliber and the Sako I have is a tack driver and is death on antelope and deer! However, I move up to my 30-06 with Hornady Interbonds for elk. Don't get me wrong because a .243 will do the job with PERFECT bullet placement of the proper design, but how far is that big bull likely to go in that nasty terrain AFTER the shot with a tiny pill that caliber puts out!
Sorry about that! I didn't read the whole thread and got caught up in the last couple posts regarding the .243 and went back to see that you chose a 260. Personally I'd still go with more than that, but to each his own as long as the person knows what they and their choice are capable of in a given situation. Good luck on your hunt and get a wolf tag too!
Thank you, and good luck to you. so did they take wolks off the endangred list and if so , would I have to apply for a tag or just buy one?

our shot placement and shot selection will be choosen within our talent level and rifle capibilites.
As far as I know they will have OTC wolf tags again like they did previously. They set a maximum number that they want to kill and you have to notify them if you take one and if the number is met they close the season. I guarantee the 260 will do a number on one of them, LOL!!! Have a great hunt.
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