300 prc bullet of choice.

My dad's load is 200 AB at 3151 out of his RUM. We could push it faster, but it shoots so well, we stopped at this load. Unless the bearing surface is crazy with the 199 Hammer, I don't see why you couldn't get it to 3100. His gun holds this load just just a hair over .5 moa at 900 yards. I will take that out of an AB or really any bullet at that.
The RUM can push the 199 Hammer 3100 easy. I've been hunting with the 200 frain Accubond at 3200 for a long, long time. Last year the 181 Hammer at **** near 3400. 406muley
I'm not sure how a RUM or my old 30-378 velocities have anything to do with a PRC and only 76 grains of powder. I could brag about how I was using 120 grains of powder and had a 30 inch barrel...... Very irrelevant
I'm not sure how a RUM or my old 30-378 velocities have anything to do with a PRC and only 76 grains of powder. I could brag about how I was using 120 grains of powder and had a 30 inch barrel...... Very irrelevant
Hammer sells sample packs. And if they don't perform Steve will make it right.

Buy some and test for yourself.
I shoot a 30-28 Nosler. It's pretty much the same as the 300 PRC.

N570 and RL26 with 215 Bergers.
It will depend on how long you are able to run them if you can shoot the heavier Bergers. Personally I'd stick with the 215 if you can seat them long enough.

What is the difference between a 30-28 nosler and a 30 nosler? Don't both rounds use the same case?
The 28 Nos hold a little more powder. You simply neck up a 28 Nos to 30 cal.

Op, I have a 30 Nos which is very similar to your PRC. I've ran 200 accubonds at 3050 and 215/230 bergers at 2975 for about 3 years now with H1K. Both have been a deadly combo with the 230 taking 2 cow elk as well as a Red Hind with the 215 from 125 to 610 yards.

I've heard the 230s have a slightly thicker jacket and hold up a little better especially at close range. I've shot several WT at 100-300 with good sized exit holes but no blow up. I'll be taking it on a NM elk hunt in two week.
199 hammer hunters
76 gr RL 26 at a smooth 3100 fps

26" barrel 1-9 twist.
This right here. Gets you plenty of distance and a bullets that will not fail if a close shoulder shot is all you get but also work at distance.
I'm loading the 214 hammer in my 30 Sherman "PRC imp" hope I g for the same 31-3200 with a 8 twist.
I know these are 200 grain, not 199 hammers. But I just don't see magical extra 200 fps over listed loads that generally tend to be hard to duplicate in the real world. I'm trying to find accuracy of the LabRadar unit.

Even the 30 nosler which is about the same case volume is a 2900 fps 200 grain shooter. I reload lots of r=26, magpro and magnum
You have to keep in mind that hammers tend to be able to reach higher speeds for the same weight as cup core. The engraving of rifling seems to be much lighter which makes less pressure. Very similar to gs customs style bullet which also get pushed faster or even cutttign edge laser. Hammers have softer copper than either of those two also.
Since I base my choice off of accuracy first I'd have to currently pick the Lapua Scenar L 220's for my 300 PRC. I'm sure given even more time I'd be able to work some others up to possibly equal my results but for now, it's H1000 and the LSL 220's.
To be honest my .300 Win mag is doing 3128fps with a 199 hammer hunter over a max charge of H1000. This is using Sierras 190gr load data. The hammers have less engraving pressure that standard cup and core bullets so I have found load data to either line up or be lined up with the next lowest weight class of standard load data.

I mean my 7-08ai is driving a 140 Absolute Hammer at just a tick under 3000fps.
I have some h1000 and have a source for n570. I picked up match primers the other day reasonably priced. I have some 205 berger and some 200 eldx from my 300 win. Currently only have hornady brass. Adg on backorder. Thanks for all the input. Hopefully my gun will like one of those. I appreciate the input on bullets. Hoping I can get two elk tags this year for my area so I can try the gun out this season.. I can always find elk just nothing worth shooting.
Between the two, go with the 205s and you're golden to 1KY.
Also to note with your short time window for load work and then collecting data for drops then verified drops. That in itself is a strong case for hammers. Easiest bullets I've ever found to load for.
I really wanted to use the 215 Berger after reading many threads but just couldn't get them to shoot in my PRC. Was getting about .75moa. I then switched to the 210 Berger. Accuracy and SD drastically improved. I am running them in ADG brass, H1000 (81.7) and 215m Primers. They shot best at .005 off lands. I am a bit hesitant on using them on Elk though and will not try a shoulder shot.
You have to keep in mind that hammers tend to be able to reach higher speeds for the same weight as cup core. The engraving of rifling seems to be much lighter which makes less pressure. Very similar to gs customs style bullet which also get pushed faster or even cutttign edge laser. Hammers have softer copper than either of those two also.
I've been home coating bullets for 30 years with various blends to really make them slide down the barrel compared to copper bullets.

The opposite is true for them. they slide down the barrel not building pressure so you have to add 2 or so more grains of powder to match the velocity of the same untreated bullet.

Years ago I started using Barnes X bullets. solid copper making the bullets longer for the same weight as lead cores. More friction and you use less powder.
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