Sd public land wt

Nice bucks, guys! Makes me miss my family hunting trips on my uncle's ranch north of Wall. I grew up in Custer and now realize how fortunate I was to be able to hunt Black Hills and West River deer every year. Back in those days, driving to and from school was a "hunting trip". Not uncommon to see rifles in the window racks of most of the pickups parked at high school during deer season.
Tagged a black hills buck this morning, not what i was hoping for but it was a fun 3weeks of hunting..


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Nice buck for anywhere. I get tired of hearing nice buck for the hills. When I was elk hunting this year we saw 3 absolute dandy whitetails. For anywhere. One of them over 160". They are out there.
Absolutely agree...there ARE some great bucks out there. That's why I'm hoping to finally draw my "any" tag next year (11 preference points). There is still a LOT of pressure on the whitetails and in my opinion, you have to look at a lot of deer to find a giant, especially compared to West or East River buck seasons. There are some giant mule deer because the hunting pressure is greatly reduced within the BHNF. I will say, it seems like there were a ton of stud whitetail bucks taken in the Hills this year compared to some other years.
I had 10 res points to get the any tag. Only seen one muley worth shooting, but could not get close enough for a good shot. Imho the 10 yrs was not worth the waiting for a any tag. Where the bigger md were in Sept were long gone on Nov 1..seen a lot of nice 4x4 wt and passed on shooting due to wanting to shoot a md. Friday was my last day to hunt so I left the house with Brown its down mindset and the buck I shot was the first deer in seen at sunup. My buddy from Mi has 12non res pts and still has not drew a any tag..
I agree with you...the novelty of the "any" tag wore off about 5 years ago. Unfortunately, I'm kinda committed now and hopefully I'll draw next year and get it over with. I'll probably never apply for that tag again, however. It appears to be about as difficult to draw as a bull elk tag!
I had 15 years for rifle bull elk tag and finally drew. I apply for another west river unit that takes 8 years for any deer. Most likely going for any whitetail next year. Usually takes 2 to 3 years for whitetail in that unit and the black hills. Seems any unit that has a lot of public land is becoming hard to get.
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