Sd public land wt

Awesome buck. Due to a massive heart attack I was not able to join the rest of our crew in West River this week. The other three took bucks in the same class as yours. It has been quite a year for antlers in South Dakota despite EHD problems. Same holds true in North Dakota. Congrats on you buck!!
Nice buck! It has been a good year for bucks here in my home state of N.C. also - but not that good!

I see you have a Burris rangefinder scope. How is it?
on the sherman it is the first deer i have shot with it and am impressed, wanted to shoot my antelope with it, but things happened to fast and shot with a different rifle my trusty 257 dgr, also a awesome caliber, i will be shooting a elk on monday in wyo with the 6.5 sherman, and hope to find a good muley yet in the black hills. the burris scope laser has been flawless in testing, took a bit of shooting and tweeking to get the correct drop # programed in started at 133 and ended at 110, set at 750yds, i set up 8in steel gongs 200,300,400,500,600,700yrds and lasered and fired and was on all of em. the one 1 non res tag took 7yrs pref this year, he camped next to me, and is still up there as far as i know. i has 3 res pts and got lucky. since only 10 res is the first buck i shot in the park in 2016 with the 257 dgr and 100gr ttsx at 3300 fps, its a necked down 260 rem with no fire forming


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You better have gutted, loaded the deer in your truck real quick and be out of there. If not, kind of hard to explain to a game warden how lucky you got shooting him that close to the road. Lol.
A game warden I know in MN, told me that they always look for people who are field dressing deer next to access points to public lands. Says it means one thing- deer was shot on side of road, loaded and brought here.
Nice rifle and Awesome deer.
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