All my scope mounting set-ups(whether 338ML or 6.5x47L) are mounted in a similar same fashion:..regardless of the brand of scope/ring/base…. I prefer as much surface area(rings to scope body as the mounting dimensions will accommodate(especially with heavy recoil/use rifles) , a pic-rail base/rings(best quality components/scope I can afford), and a torque wrench! Heavy calibers often need up-sized base mount screws fitted..or get pinned.
-All components assembled are checked for alignment and mated surfaces using a basic scope alignment/lapping tool( the lapping tool can be used to "check" scope/ring contact area of +75%. Don't take anything for granted! Everything must be perfectly mated/aligned…
-Scope base is bedded/stress free(or pinned) if there us any clearance/off-set with Devcon(24 hour). Torque to maximum spec. My preference is to not use Loctite on the mounting screws…If properly cleaned mated/torqued, "lightly" lubricated screw will secure equally/better under spec'd torque. IME, ANY foreign material(rosin, Loctite, etc,) can invite clearance issuers under recoil stresses. Metal to metal……
- If bottom ring contact area(using the scope mount bar) is less then 75% they are lapped. Don't take this aspect for granted…check.
-Torque scope rings to maximum allowable spec from scope/ring manufacturer….Same with the rings to scope base. Do not exceed!
6,5x284 with epoxied base, and 300WM with pinned base. Both, ARC M10 rings…scope/ring max torque spec is 25"/pds.