Scope for Remington 700 5R .308 Win


Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2010
Central Florida
My wife gave me this gun for my birthday in July. I took the Leupold 4.5-14 x 50 scope off my 30-06 and mounted it on the gun because it was the best I had. Now I'm ready to buy a scope for the 5R. The wife has given the go ahead for a Nightforce 5.5-22 x 56 scope. As everybody knows this is alot of scope and alot of money. I don't mind the price as it will probaly be the last expensive scope I would ever buy.

Is this to much scope for this gun?
What do you intend to shoot with the rifle? If you can give us an idea of what targets you will shoot and the range you expect to shoot at we can give you suggestions.
I have two friends I shoot with, one is using Nightforce 5.5-22, the other is using a Leupold 6.5-20. We have a 300 yd range at the club. There is a 600 yd at another club. Also I would like this to be a scope that could go on any long range hunting rifle in the furture. When we shoot at the range it's for bragging rights only.
I actually did the same some years back and put that scope, but with the 50mm objective lens, on my first MilSpec. I have owned two more Milspec's since. They are extremely accurate rifles and I don't think any scope would be overkill. The only issue I have with the scope is that while it is perfect for competition, targets, and fixed position hunting, I found that it pushed the weight of my set-up over what I am personally comfortable with for a carry gun when hunting. The scope is heavy and bulky compared to others. But that is personal thing and others may not find this to be a problem at all. My 700 yard max hunting set- up has a 4.5x14 Leupold MK 4 on it which balances perfectly for me, and performs flawlessly.
I'm not sure how important illumination of the reticle is to you. I second the issue of weight if you are going to be hunting. If you are not going to be using illumination and can live without it, to stay in the same price range, the Swarovski Z5 5-25X50 is an amazing scope.

Then, if you could spend even more, the Swarovski Z6i gives you illumination in a 5-30X50 package that is in the "alpha" scope range. The Z6i and the Z5 (as well as the Z6) are considerably lighter than the Nightforce. If you step up to illumination in any of the alpha scopes (Permier, Zeiss, Swarovski, Leica, US Optic, Hensoldt) you will be doing a lot of crying over the price. However, you will be at a different level of scope.
I have three Milspec 5Rs one in each caliber and they all three are topped with Nightforce NXS scopes. After Nightforce I want nothing less. There are better scopes as I have read, but my old eyes can't tell the difference.
If you have and are willing to part with that much $$ for the nightforce I would go for it. I went with a bushy 4200 4-16x50 on my 5r, though the sightron III's with the new lrmoa reticle has sure gained my attention. 800$ and enough $$ leftover to take the wife on a vacation for even mentioning that I could buy a nightforce :)
If you go less than the Nightforce keep an eye on total moa elevation adjustment. With
the 308 you are going to need it @ 1000+ My swaro is great glass but has squat for
moa. and it's a 30mm tube. I'm sold on USO myself.
Your Remmy 5 R is no lightwieght so personally I would'nt worry about the weight of the scope too much. Well thats my opinion anyway. I have a NF on a Rem. Tactical and I think it is perfect for that type of gun , but it sure ain't no flywieght and I would'nt wanna pack it in the mountains for very long. I have skinny barrel guns with flyweight stocks and 12.6 oz. scopes that would be better for mountain trips. I would go NF for the 5 R. NF's are worth the many pennies they want for them so go ahead and cry once.:D
If you are worried about total elevation adjustment you can always use a 20 moa mount. That lets you get out to 1000 yards without burdening the scope with all of the work. That lets you work with a scope like a Swarovski without running out of elevation clicks. Just make sure you have more than 20 moa to dial in so you can zero at 100 or 200 yards.
My wife gave me this gun for my birthday in July. I took the Leupold 4.5-14 x 50 scope off my 30-06 and mounted it on the gun because it was the best I had. Now I'm ready to buy a scope for the 5R. The wife has given the go ahead for a Nightforce 5.5-22 x 56 scope. As everybody knows this is alot of scope and alot of money. I don't mind the price as it will probaly be the last expensive scope I would ever buy.

Is this to much scope for this gun?

Who cares if it's too much scope for the gun, it's a Nightforce and you have the wife's blessing. :):D:rolleyes:

She's a keeper! :cool:

Good luck and happy safe shooting/hunting.

The other day I called a gun shop about 45 minutes up the road to inquire about a NXS 5.5-22x50 Zerostop with the NP-R1 recticle. The guy told me he would call Nightforce and call me back. When the guy told me there was a 28 week backorder I about dropped the the phone. I have found the NXS 5.5-22x56 Zerostop with the NP-R1 recticle, so it looks like this will be the one.
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