Scope buying advice up to 1200$

Just to add a little more fuel, I thought I saw a different thread where eurooptic had the Vortex Razor HD on sale for 1399??? Those are awesome scopes. Above your price point, but I think the Razor is that "next level" type scope that are in a whole different class.
Thanks for the insight. Those scopes are still up for sale on the discounted price. However in my case it will go onto a laser rifle which happens not have 35 mm main tube mounts and I actually already purchased a 30 mm one for this scope...

I went today to the local Cabelas, and looked at the nightforce and the vortex. Well, my choice has not gotten any easier. The elevation turret adjustment on the vortex feels actually better than the nightforce. I think it has the most positive tactile feeling I have ever had in any riflescopes including a few NF NXS... So that would spell vortex to me... But, and this is a bit subjective, the glass and view through the nightforce is crisper and lighter. So I'm back to square one... In fact I got desperate and looked at a couple of the NXSs but they are I think a bit on the bulky side for my taste for a hunting rifle which actually carried quite a bit...
Anybody knows snitching about meopta meostars? Their glass and tracking? Any additional info on the NF vs. Vortex debate?

The SHV itself is a fairly bulky scope. With the parameters you've described the Viper PST offers nearly everything you are wanting and in your price range. At one time I had both the 4-16 and the 6-24. They were good scopes. If it were me I'd probably go in this order:

1. USED Nightforce NXS (unless you are REALLY worried about bulk and FFP you can probably find one for $1,300-$1,400)
2. Vortex Razor Gen 1 (if you can get a new one for $1,400 and can up your budget)
3. Vortex Viper PST (The glass, illumination, and zero stops aren't quite as good as choices 1 & 2, but still a good all around scope and a good value easily within budget with room to spare for good rings and a level)
4. Nightforce SHV (If you really want an uncapped elevation turret, it will most likely drive you crazy if you get a scope that has a capped turret and I personally do not desire to have a company other than the manufacturer put one on my scope)
Indeed, this would be a perfect choice! Sadly the purchase have to be postponed for 6 mths...
I would buy this scope tomorrow otherwise for the asking price.

While killing time on the net I stumbled upon this scope: Weaver Super Slam 3-15x50 Tactical Riflescope, EMDR Ill Reticle, which checks all my requirements. However I cannot check it out in any of the local stores so I do not know how clear/crisp its optics are. They are very affordable which makes me wonder... Anyone with any experience or opinion?
Somewhat surprised none mentioned the SWFA lineup. The 6x mil/mil is an exceptional scope at $299. I have several as well as a 3-9 mil/mil. Slowly adding more as needed.
Bushnell ERS 3.5 -21 X 50

You can find it for around $1,200. I recommend the TREMOR reticle.
These scopes are THE best for the money per several reviews and tests. I have one with an H 59 reticle which will not be available for awhile. Bushnell is using it to fulfill military and LE contracts according to their rep. This is because Bushnell must pay a licensing fee to Horus for every reticle they make. I guess they would rather only pay for contract reticles.

It's just a very good scope that does everything quite well. My one recommendation to Bushnell is to put better glass in it but that would likely put it into the $2,000. range at street prices. Still you can't show me, say, a Vortex at a similar street price with glass as good as the current ERS line.

Go to the Horus website and play with their H 59 interactive reticle setup to see why they are so good.
I agree that the Bushnell is quite a nice scope that does everything well but as said could use a little better glass and it would be a fantastic scope, better than anything in it's price range. It is not lightweight at 32oz if that's a consideration. I would rather see a lower power like 2.5x to whatever as I haven't gone past 17x at 1,000 yards. The 2.5-16x model is SFP and not even close.
I would not hesitate to buy any of the NXS but I am pretty insistent on first focal plane reticle, and they are immediately about 1000$ more expensive... Why oh why...
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