Nowler, now the great test of a mans intelligence is how much he agrees with you.. right? spot on with the S&B requirement for some market research.. ive been telling em for years to do certain things, for instance,, a 4-16x42 PMII, and i have been getting the answer ..quote" Our market research team do not think that there is a market for this configuration of PMII" .. well funny that ther are now making one.. i had the head of their technical design team say tome at the IWA ..quote.." if we had listened to you more often, i think we would have gathered probably 50% of the NXS sales for S&B" I finaly have S&B listening tome and a couple of other guys and finaly we are getting some where, its been a German mentality thing, " howz kud anyvon vant anyzing zat wie do not alzready produze," they have treid to persuade a market that what they have is what should be wanted instead of producing products tailored to certain markets, well they have finaly caught on and are not going to miss the last bus if i can help it..
for your applications the NXS is a fine scope, especialy for the F class, and i would choose an NXS over the S&B for that application. now with regards to price.. whoe sells the S&B's cheapest in the UK,,Sportsmans or York Guns. so the S&B's are only over priced if you don't know some one who will supply cheaper than them.
Don't forget with the PMII you are getting a scope that is produced by expensive German technicians and not by cheap far eastern technicians, and that is a lot of what you are paying for, plus the glass quality is better.
Now i happen to think that the 34mm tube is just great, there are plenty of rings avalible. and it has certain advantages.
Deer,ive seen a couple of bucks clean here already, but i'm a lot further south than you, Scotland in April is like here in February, season here starts May 1st.
Czeck beer,, now DS that sounds like an invite, you have nice looking women in your country !!aaarrooooga !!..
what you after for that 4-16x, we might be able to do a swap.. I'm in Northern Germany, near Osnabrück.