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Savage Long Range Hunter Rifle Review

thanks for the honest review. i am currently in the market for my first long range rifle and am considering the l r h in 6.5x284. i have also been told to look at the tikka's, that they are also very good for the money.
I have owned and shot both brands of rifles. If you want to shoot long range, get the LRH. The 6.5x284 is a great cartridge and very accurate for long range shooting. Good luck and enjoy this growing sport.
Thanks. i actually bought the gun after that last post. Now on to a scope! any suggestions on what to look for in a long range scope? is a 3.5 -18 leupold enough or should i go up to the 4-24?
I use the NightForce 15 x 55 x 52 MM competition scope for long range it has 1/8 inch MOA and the glass is fantastic / clear $ 2400.00 but money well spent. The Nightforce ATACR 5-25x56 F1 MIL-R (C546) is also a great scope.
Thanks. i actually bought the gun after that last post. Now on to a scope! any suggestions on what to look for in a long range scope? is a 3.5 -18 leupold enough or should i go up to the 4-24?

There are a lot of good scopes out there. If I was looking at a Leupold or whichever brand , I would opt for the more magnification.
If you are going to use it for hunting, go with the lower magnification. This allows more light at highest setting and it makes it easier to get on target. That said if you are just target shooting get the higher magnification. For me I prefer a maximum power range of 18-20 power for combination hunting/target shooting. I find that high magnification scopes makes it harder to shoot accurately since I concentrate more on the reticle and you start getting involved with picking up even hear beats.
Well you are partially correct. It depends on if you are using a first or second focal plane and if you are using reticle marks for holds. Also, the higher the magnification a scope is the less overall MOA adjustment.
Also, you pay more for higher magnification scopes. So you are set up on a game animal at 500 yards are so. Then you have to find it in your scope then turn it up, adjust your turret and read the wind. It just becomes an extra adjustment. By then you have knocked the reticle off the game and you have to find it again. Believe me I have had the experiences I just outlined. But to each their own, that is why they make different magnifications. There are advantages and disadvantages to both.
Thanks. i actually bought the gun after that last post. Now on to a scope! any suggestions on what to look for in a long range scope? is a 3.5 -18 leupold enough or should i go up to the 4-24?

Lots of thinking to go into this kind of a scope purchase IMO.

Is it a carry gun? If so how much weight do you want?
What power do you need to make the kind of shots you are going to be taking?
Some guys like lots of power others don't need it. For me 18x we be plenty.

What is the eyebox like at the power you are most likely going to be shooting? This is a big deal for me and much more important than what my max power is.

Scot E.
I own one of these in 300 win mag.
I will never own another one ever.
Biggest piece of junk made to date.

What seems to be wrong with yours? I have a Bear Hunter in 300 win mag that is really good. With factory rounds I am under 1 inch at 100 and I will be working up a load for mine this winter. Recoil is very light and I have one with a very smooth bolt. I really cant think of anything I dont like on my Bear Hunter.

I own one also in 300 WM. Great rifle. Mine is accurate, bolt works fine, trigger is set light and breaks clean. Only negative is the weight but it's also in part the weight that helps reduce the kick which is moderate for Magnum rifle. I have held light 30-06's and 270's that had more felt recoil. I have been loading bullets at the upper end of the 30 cal weight scale and they shoot fine. 180 and 210 grainers with high BC's. I like the gun and the caliber. It will push a 150 gn bullet around 3300 fps or a 130 gn at close to 3600 fps if your into high velocity. Personally, I don't want to burn out the barrel for a while, so I presently, have stuck to the heavier bullets that fly under 3k per second. I reload and prefer the non magazine set up as I can load longer bullets easier if I prefer and don't have to worry about misplacing the magazine.

I get suspicious when someone comments negatively about something but gives no reason as to why. Makes me wonder if they actually own one or are just remarking about something they really know nothing about?
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