Savage Extractor...lost the ball


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2011
San Antonio, TX
I shot the ball across the shop today when trying to put the bolt back together after setting my headspace. Brownells has them for $5 so I'm gonna order one, but before I do, I figured I would check to see if there's any nifty upgraded extractor I should consider while I'm at it. I stole the ball from another savage bolt I have laying around and it extracts just fine, just wondering what folks recommend.
I tried the oversized ball. It added a lot of resistance when closing the bolt. I switched back to the original.
Bought a bag of 25 .140s from Amazon a few years back...the numbers have dwindled down with various builds & a couple of "launches"! Usually I disassemble in a clear gallon zip lock...always works....but go without when in a hurry and see ya!!!
Last summer when I moved my man cave from one side of the garage to the other the clean up on the corners by the wall revealed 2 live primers, 1 extractor ball and a coveted ejector spring!
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