Savage 112 + Leu VX3 4.5-14X50 help


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2012
I find myself stretching forward, unless prone, to get full field of view using Millet 2 piece bases and angle loc rings with the redfield scope bell almost touching the front ring. Bad for accuracy and my bulged disc neck. I love the pre accutrig Savage 112 rifle and plan to transfer my Leupold VX3 4.5-14X50 AO to it. If I use a weaver picatinny 1 piece base, will the 50mm require med or high signature zee rings? I would like to keep it as low as possible. Are there reasonably priced steel picatinny bases that fit the zee rings snugly? I've heard of loose fits with zees and hate to crank and fatigue that tiny slotted flex area they have.
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