Savage 110 Action Fix

im trying to undersrand the problem first but . when you say its binding please explain if you would ..and secondonly .. is there a large amount of people experiencing this problem ??

do you mean its hitting inside the chamber cavity ( like bullet nose into barrel tennion face , missing the chamber opening)

or, pinching between top of the receiver action and the extractor plunger ??

if different say so .. the video above seems that its the latter of those 2 and if the cartridge was a belted case, snagging on that belt seems likely

im just thinking if its pinching. i would think savage would cover that , since their plunger length would be a manufacting defect safety issue and im betting they would want to fix the possibility of the plunger ever making contact with a primer .. that sounds like a recall level problem to me ..
im trying to undersrand the problem first but . when you say its binding please explain if you would ..and secondonly .. is there a large amount of people experiencing this problem ??

do you mean its hitting inside the chamber cavity ( like bullet nose into barrel tennion face , missing the chamber opening)

or, pinching between top of the receiver action and the extractor plunger ??

if different say so .. the video above seems that its the latter of those 2 and if the cartridge was a belted case, snagging on that belt seems likely

im just thinking if its pinching. i would think savage would cover that , since their plunger length would be a manufacting defect safety issue and im betting they would want to fix the possibility of the plunger ever making contact with a primer .. that sounds like a recall level problem to me ..

if you lay a straight edge across the top of the bolt lugs does/did the plunger protrude past that straight edge ???
how much ??

it seems that either the pluger retainer groove was either out of spec or the hole for the roll pin too far forward or roll pin was bent ..

savage should fix any of these things . i could see em telling ya to fix your own magazine but not final fittin of one of tnier higher end rifles

i thought you pulled random vids off the net trying to explain the problem .. gave L&S
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