Well-Known Member
I wrote an argument against the delight taken by some in the Alaskan ethics committee witch hunt against Sarah Palin. I did not submit it because some are just incapable of critical thinking and there is no time to give free lessons on the subject. So, for the sake of brevity I will give just a few afterthoughts. Obama is factually and intimately associated with a domestic terrorist, Ayers; America haters such as Farrakhan, Rev. Wright, Rev. Pfleger; the fraudulent voter registration machine A.C.O.R.N.; FNM and FRE monies; Rezco, a convicted felon and so on. Gov. Palin is guilty of protecting the public from a child abuser gun toting trooper who delights in tazering ten year old boys. Palin's critics fail to place actions into context of the greater-good. Please spare me "it's the law argument". After all, our nation was founded by "traitors to the British Crown", lawbreakers who chose a path to independence and freedom. Yes, it was against British law, but their actions sure as hell benefited everyone on this blog and it was for the greater-good! These, then "traitors and lawbreakers", are our heroes and founding fathers. God Bless them for their "lawbreaking" but righteous efforts and results. What is lawful is one matter and what is right is another. Obama has done little if anything for the greater-good. Palin was protecting, albeit indirectly, the security of the citizens of Alaska. Check your values because you're blowing your horn the wrong way.