Same EXACT load as last years load shoots like crap

I'm of the opinion that cold weld/neck tension is a factor. Outside of that the OP mentioned that this is a "compacted" or compressed load as it it more commonly referred to as. It is not unheard of for such loads to push the bullet out creating a longer (greater?) CBTO. So…measure the CBTO between old and new loads again. If it's the same pull bullets in one of each. It may be as simple as adding tension via the neck sizing or even adding a crimp.
Maybe the load recipe was written down wrong.
I would triple check the primer and the powder. Pull the bullet and verify weight, color, shape etc on the powder with as much magnification as you can get. Punching out a live primer isn't advised, but if the powder is exactly the same I would do it. My M77's were very sensitive to variations in the load until I floated the barrels and bedded the actions. They are still somewhat sensitive but seems like it is no more than other factory rifles now. I also sealed every surface of the wood after seeing the zero wander some, this was prior to the bedding but it solved the wandering zero by keeping the moisture content in the wood consistent.
I had this happen last summer right before I was heading sheep hunting. I think I had a possible carbon ring form an inch or two in front of the chamber. After lots of solvent, patches and scrubbing it with a bronze brush. I got the suspected ring out. ( I could feel the tight spot with the brush while cleaning) I shot it the next day and my accuracy was back. There is a chance you could have the same Issue.
As I understand OP after reading through all these pages, he can switch back and forth between old loads and new loads.
--> old loads still shooting fine AFTER shooting the new loads
--> new loads won't group, but old ones do

^^Pretty much eliminates anything to do with the rifle and optics I would think.....otherwise those old loads wouldn't still be shooting small groups?

....or am I completely missing something here??
As I understand OP after reading through all these pages, he can switch back and forth between old loads and new loads.
--> old loads still shooting fine AFTER shooting the new loads
--> new loads won't group, but old ones do

^^Pretty much eliminates anything to do with the rifle and optics I would think.....otherwise those old loads wouldn't still be shooting small groups?

....or am I completely missing something here??
Correct. It's clear something with new load has gone south.
After reading 7 pages I have to ask the OP, Why did you change the charge from 59.0 to 59.3 of IMR4350? It seems you were already close to max on your charge weight and then you increased it? IME you don't get wild accuracy variations with small changes in charge weight unless you have exceeded the charge weight for that particular firearm.
If you were dancing on the ragged edge of velocity and any variable was changed, you may have gone beyond the original velocity/accuracy node significantly and need to back off and rework up.
I could be wrong but I thought the dimensions of a gradual of powder were fairly consistent.

The reason why powder that's at the end of a bottle causes different velocity is because of the moisture amount it can take on. Drier climate can cause the powder granules to be lighter and vice versa.
Sounds like another item to check and collect data on. I keep silica gel, dehumidifiers in my powder storage.
I am thinking that repetitive motions might cause the powder pieces to rub and grind on each other, producing fines. I have noticed some tubular powder are broken, reducing air space in the same volume.
Sounds like another item to check and collect data on. I keep silica gel, dehumidifiers in my powder storage.
I am thinking that repetitive motions might cause the powder pieces to rub and grind on each other, producing fines. I have noticed some tubular powder are broken, reducing air space in the same volume.
I've had a kestrel in my 20N29 in a sealed jug for quite some time, even in a sealed jug between seasons the powder can change in Humidity. Just another way of monitoring powder moisture content and relating the info in order to stay in a accuracy node from season to season when hitting a steel targets at 2000 to 4000 yards while the clock is ticking away.


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