Sako A7 long range?

I had the Sako Tecomate in 270 wsm which is pretty much the same rifle. Sako A7 in a Bell and Carlson stock. It would shoot and hold 3/4 MOA out to 700 yards with factory ammo. I later sold it and had a custom rifle built in 270 Weatherby. The guy I sold it to loves it and I keep kicking myself in the butt for getting rid of it. I keep looking at the same rifle in 300 win mag but may get rid of the 270 Weatherby and have Georgia Precision build me one in 300 win mag. I think you would like it and be satisfied with the rifle.

Good luck either way.
have one in 300 win mag .. put 150 rbds thru it and love it . recoil is not crazy , its comfy .. pistol grip area is a little wide for a guy with smaller hands like myself . zeroed the rifle and got it out to 900 yards but ran outta scope with the provided base not having any extra moa . It has an 11 to 1 twist so the heaviest i got was berger 210 hunting vld with 81 gr of retumbo . All seemed quite happy! pretty darn happy with the rifle.
I realize this is an old post, but I just selected this rifle after much deliberation so I wanted to share my thoughts and see if anyone else has input. If it was a Cabela's exclusive before, it isn't now. I'm an FFL holder and got it through one of my distributors. I thought I was settled on a Weatherby Accuguard in .300 Win Mag, but found myself favoring a 7mm Rem Mag due to the higher BC advantages of current bullet offerings resulting in a round with less recoil and similar capabilities for large game. I know they're both great, but that's the direction I went. There aren't a ton of heavy 7mm's in this type of configuration, and I liked this the best since I wanted a long, heavy barrel and a stock of this sort.

It's at a local gunsmith getting a brake installed (in a thread that I will use for a suppressor later). When the rest of the components show up, it'll wear a NightForce SHV 4-14x50mm F1 MOAR. The purpose of the rifle is game out to 600 or so and ringing steel out to 800yds. Of course, that could change, but that's my intent right now and the influence on what I bought. I'm starting with Hornady 162grn ELD-X. When it's all assembled, I'll report back with range results, load data, et cetera.

Anyone else shooting a similar setup?
morning, I have one in 257STW. put on vais muzzle brake.

very accurate. I researched the sako brand action. the parts r

hard to find. the action is very sound. the original actions

were made in Sweden. very good actions. THK. U lightbulb:)gun)
morning, I have one in 257STW. put on vais muzzle brake.

very accurate. I researched the sako brand action. the parts r

hard to find. the action is very sound. the original actions

were made in Sweden. very good actions. THK. U lightbulb:)gun)

Nice! No issues with the stock bedding setup? I'm gonna shoot mine with the aluminum bedding setup before I pay to pillar bed it. We'll see. It's a slippery slope!
My second bullet attempt appears to be a keeper. Berger 168gr classic hunters, seated .015 off the lands not only fit in the magazine with room to spare, but produce itty-bitty groups(5 shot groups consistently at or under .5 moa)

testing so far has been at 100 yds but longer distances are soon to come. ill repost results when I have them.

I've been watching this particular thread for a long time. lol... I bought an A7 LRH back in 2015 and have been very pleased with it. I'll admit I struggled with VLD's and similar bullets in the 168+ range, but everything 160 and under easily shoots sub moa. The twist rate is too slow for heavy bullets, and the mag length is a limiting factor for

My favorite load is the 168 berger classic hunters loaded to saami COAL. Load development seemed too easy; I had a 3 grain range of sub moa loads. Its like those bullets were made for this rifle. I'm easily able to shoot 3-4" groups at 600yds, and if I'm on top of my game, hits at 1000 on a 12" plate are a regular occurrence.

It shoots 154sst and 160 fusion factory ammo into a ragged hole as well. I haven't tested the legs of the sst's but the fusions held moa out to 500, which is the furthest i've taken them.

If you can find one at cabela's or in the classifieds, I wouldn't be afraid to get one.
morning, I have one in 257STW. put on vais muzzle brake.

very accurate. I researched the sako brand action. the parts r

hard to find. the action is very sound. the original actions

were made in Sweden. very good actions. THK. U lightbulb:)gun)

I have a SAKOM995 in .300 WM that's a shooter out the box; factory configuration except for a MB install. Love the action and trigger but as you noted, after market support is almost nil.

Did you mean Finland instead of Sweden?
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I got everything together and here's what it looks like. Hopefully the weather cooperates on Sunday so I can get to the range.View attachment 8


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The first trip to the range was fun. It was busy and windy and we didn't have much time, so I don't have good 3 shot group data at standard yardages, but after getting a 100 yd zero, the first 2 shots on the 4" steel at 230 yds were about 1" high and 1" left of center. At 370 yds, 2 shots were 1.5 or 1.75" right and another was 3.5" low and left(operator error). Shot at 500 yards, had a few 6" low & right and a couple within 1.5" to 3" of center with a windage adjustment. Wind was 15-20mph from 8-9 o'clock, so I'm happy with that for a starting point. Was shooting off a bipod. I think some fine tuning of the zero on a calm day will produce some very good results. Hornady Precision Hunter 162gr ELD-X chono'd at 2988. I blew the screen off my chrono because I didn't realize it was a little too close to the muzzle brake, oops! It still works fine. The rifle Recoils like a .243 or less, so the weight and brake make it a pleasure to shoot.The ammo was cheaper than components so I bought 4 boxes and will hand load the cases next. I adjusted the trigger to the lowest poundage and was happy with that.

Hopefully this info is useful/interesting to someone.

As for the Nightforce SHV 4-14 F1 MOAR, the clarity and brightness is fantastic, and the turret adjustments are clean and consistent. The reticle is difficult to pick up in the lower power ranges and not even that easy to see against black targets on full power, so that is a little disappointing. Anyone else have thoughts on that?
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