Yeah I know what you mean about retiring. I tried to retire once and then everyone all still wanted me to do barrels and such. They were customers for so many years it's hard to say no. But after all I went through last year I think I can finally say no to most of them. You know you will always have some you can't say no to. I'm no where near as old as you but my body feels like it's going on 100. I still feel like a kid in my mind. It's hard balancing the two. This yr for shooting has been a downer. Our club isn't starting till mid July. Only doing half of a season. I can tell you in my spare time I won't be watching anymore of the real gunsmiths videos. Think I would enjoy watching water evaporate more than watching any more of him. I'm sure someone somewhere thinks he is an authority but I'm not one of them. He even trashes the 6.5creed. He has probably seen 6.5 bullets just bounce right off ribcages. Everybody knows the Creed is the best at everything and will never be defeated. Manufacturers should just start purging all the obsolete cartridges the Creed created. All of them except the 280ai.
Would it be stingy of me to allow the 257wby to still be made too.
Disclaimer. I do own a 6.5 Creed and love it but but you all know I'm kidding about it's super powers. Right.
Or am I.