Sad Day - End of my 7 STW career- opportunity for someone

Feb 18, 2008
East Bernard , TX
I am a huge fan of the STW. I've killed a lot with it. Due to my Chronic Lyme disease I am unable to reload or shoot light rifles anymore. I elected to rebarrel my McWhorter custom 7 STW to a 6.5 PRC so I could shoot factory Hornady ammo and put a heavier barrel on it. I am selling the whole kit for it.

all being sold:

Barrel has Aprox 130 shots down it. Shoots 0.3" groups with McWhorter load. I have load data, brass, and info from them if desired. I have email stating barrel groups from them. I have shot smaller than that with it though. I broke this barrel in and have treated it like gold. I spent a lot on that rifle.

Proof Research Sendero Light 7 STW 26" threaded with 9/16 x 32 and was throated by McWhorters Custom Rifles. (Was on Borden Action but is standard Remington action threads)
A Terminator T3 Muzzle brake (amazing)
A McWhorter side port brake that matches cerakote
A Crux Suppressor adaptor brake
~300 195 Berger EOL bullets
A lot of Reloader 26 left if desired
A Redding Full size bushing die
A Forster Micro Seating die
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