If you didn't completely rupture the tendons ( i.e. partial tears ) you might be a candidate for PRP injections. I have two surgically repaired shoulders ( both done arthroscopically around 1990 ) and have had numerous partial tears in the rotator cuff and other joints in the arms & hands since. Platelet-rich plasma injections healed them all completely. Ditto for a torn labrum in one of the shoulders, and a cartilage in the wrist, as well as a bunch of ligaments in my spine. I also had stem cells injected into a more severe tear in one of the shoulders, and the results were phenomenal. Pain relief occurred by the very next day after each series of injections. I highly recommend looking into it. I had it done by a couple of different clinics, and Regenexx is the better of the two by far. They probably have a satellite clinic somewhere near you. Here's a link to their website if you're interested in looking into it :
https://regenexx.com/. Down-side - it's expensive, and insurance doesn't cover it. The up-side is that down-time is greatly reduced, relative to surgery. Pain is negligible. It does not negate the need for PT - that is part of the recovery process with these regenerative therapies, and is VERY important. If you want the full story, send me a message with your number or email address. Best of luck.