PIF Buck!

What is a PIF? At my age, I almost enjoy helping someone new get an animal as much as shooting one myself. It is rewarding, but can be a challenge hunting with a beginner. I hunted with a guy my age, named Joe. Every time he got out of the truck, he'd slam the door. By the end of the trip, he thought his name was NO Joe. He didn't harvest an elk or oryx, but had fun trying. I had helped his 17 year old daughter on an oryx hunt years before, and she harvested her first game animal. I always volunteer to help oryx hunters that get drawn for White Sands Missle range. It is a fun hunt, and we always get opportunities. One overweight guy with bad knees took so long to get settled that another hunter shot and spooked the herd before he could shoot. It happened twice, but he finally got one.

We all need to help the beginners, because today there are so few hunters that most kids don't have anyone to teach them.
So I just picked up his head and doing a Euro mount for him. It will be on barn board, on Skull Hooker with photo mounted below the mount. Hopefully it will look something like one of these.