Rifle for the Wife

Greg, you sure Married the Right GAL!!!!!! congrats to you both ,now take time and sit her down and start looking & window shopping for her Rifle,leave nothing unturned or talked about! be it Factory ,Semi-custom, or full Custom. Savage makes a Ladyhunter md 111,Weatherby's Vangard CAMILLA, is a Womens rifle named after ROY'S wifes name just two examples. don't under gun your Wife treat her as your Equal,take her shooting , to the gunshops, everywhere ,have her try holding ,aiming slying rifles she can handle, . Above all don't let pushy sales people control Her or Your ,Decisions ,make your own minds up by Talking it all out together, Sure sounds like She's the QUEEN you married, keep her happy and get that Wall-tent and Wood stove ,and keep us informed ,PLEASE .
You know....with all these suggestions I think we can side Greg's wife more than him....I think first hunt Greg should be cooking dinners instead of hunting.....
Find her a special rifle...roll out the dough....
Put her in for her own special hunt for the first time...there's always time for hunts for the both of you....
Good luck....that's how I started....rifles & hunts...my cooking was Hostess breakfast, lunch and dinner.....
Greg, you sure Married the Right GAL!!!!!! congrats to you both ,now take time and sit her down and start looking & window shopping for her Rifle,leave nothing unturned or talked about! be it Factory ,Semi-custom, or full Custom.
Savage makes a Ladyhunter md 111,Weatherby's Vangard CAMILLA, is a Womens rifle named after ROY'S wifes name just two examples. don't under gun your Wife treat her as your Equal,take her shooting , to the gunshops, everywhere ,have her try holding ,aiming slying rifles she can handle, . Above all don't let pushy sales people control Her or Your ,Decisions ,make your own minds up by Talking it all out together, Sure sounds like She's the QUEEN you married, keep her happy and get that Wall-tent and Wood stove ,and keep us informed ,PLEASE .
A friend of mine bought his daughter a pink camo Camilla. Pretty cool!
I like the cz527, it's a nice lightweight balanced rifle that should be a tack driver. If your wife is like mine....it probably won't be pretty enough. Lol.
You could always order a boyds stock and dress it up, get a shorter length of pull, etc. To help it fit her.
I think the vanguard Camilla are nice rifles too.
I would be looking at the 123sst as a good bullet start out with
It doesn't have the new car smell of the creedmore but a 25-06 is as good as it gets for deer and antelope and is easy on the shoulder.
Greg, you sure Married the Right GAL!!!!!! congrats to you both ,now take time and sit her down and start looking & window shopping for her Rifle,leave nothing unturned or talked about! be it Factory ,Semi-custom, or full Custom. Savage makes a Ladyhunter md 111,Weatherby's Vangard CAMILLA, is a Womens rifle named after ROY'S wifes name just two examples. don't under gun your Wife treat her as your Equal,take her shooting , to the gunshops, everywhere ,have her try holding ,aiming slying rifles she can handle, . Above all don't let pushy sales people control Her or Your ,Decisions ,make your own minds up by Talking it all out together, Sure sounds like She's the QUEEN you married, keep her happy and get that Wall-tent and Wood stove ,and keep us informed ,PLEASE .

Thanks for all your help......................We got a wall tent with a wood stove and since spring is getting close is always asking where we will be camping this spring and summer. She love isolation where we dont see anyone for a week.
You guys are right about her getting what she wants. She spend over a month looking for a handgun so when we are out she has her own Pistol ..............picked out a Sig 380 the one that has the nice white grips and the nice black metal with the engraving............
I reload and had a 7mm-08 in the past that is now a 6.5 Creedmoor.................The 708 would be a good choice because she already mentioned applying for a Bull and Cow elk tag.

Not to mention that she now wants to sell our home in Sparks, NV and wants to get a place up in Idaho...........She said some place so we dont have to draw for tags and can hunt out our back door.
Dont blame you at all for wanting out of sparks....lol....it wasnt so pretty 30 years ago.....
In idaho...it is very diverse...gotta know if you want to be around lots of trees and lakes or more desert like you now live....
Lots of opportunities to draw tags and easy over counter tags as well....
Weather is a big factor....have had to push snow 6 times in last two weeks....SE idaho....lots of boys on this forum right around this neck of the woods....oh sorry....desert....with a few trees on northeast side of almost each hill.....almost....
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Wow Greg, great on you both,thks for the update and continued success in all you both tackle together!!! You helped us help you by the info you shared! and that's a Great feeling to really help someone or anyone ,regards ...
Well my wife has made it very clear that she wants to put in for a Deer and Antelope Tag, wants us to start hunting together...............thats great as she grew up with two brothers and hunting and eating Deer and Elk is what they did. I know one thing she sure can cook venison and its always really tender just excellent, plus the added bonus that she loves cooking in a Dutch over over the campfire and made is very clear to me also that she will only
camp in a Wall Tent with a wood stove, NO trailers.

I have always loved the CZ Rifles and was considering getting her a CZ 527 6.5 Grendel .......I believe it has a 24" barrel and all my CZ rifles are excellent shooters.........

What are your thoughts, as I always get excellent advice from you guys on this sight.
You all have helped me so many times. Thinking of a bullet weight around 120gr........

you are on the right track. The CZ is an excellent little rifle; mine in 7.62 shoots 1/2" groups with measured handloads. And I just started messing around with the grendel, but so far I'm impressed. With the proper bullet, it should be more than enough on deer out to 200 or 300.
Jackie likes it up around Idaho City but I still like the desert. Drove through Glenns Ferry, ID this fall and liked the area. Just something about the Desert with sage brush and rimrocks, juniper trees, plus my true love is upland bird hunting, Chukar, Huns, Sharptails and watching my dog work the cover and locking up on point. She wants to raise Jackrussels.........and downsize to a little house around 1000 SQ FT... Hard to find smaller homes.
I love CZ's. I have a 17 Remington and a 17 Hornet right now. I'm very impressed with their accuracy. Both of my rifles in the CZ 527's shoot well under 1" with my reloads. The 6.5 Grendel With Lapua brass a 24" Barrel and a 100gr Barnes TSX bullet at close to 2800 with almost no recoil it would be a great first time rifle for her out to 200 Yards. Or the Hornady 123gr SST with a BC of .500+ at 2500 Later on she might want more gun. He loves to shoot thats for sure.
what rifle is she favoring? cartridge ,caliber, maybe you both can share same caliber bullets, what cartridges has she shot with her Brothers and with you ,just curious, with me and my Gal,the length of pull is always the first issue, thks have you taken Jackie upland bird hunting? shotgun proficiency always a plus, and watching great dogs work is always a Pleasure . thanks again Greg.
She never hunting with her Dad and Brothers so a big game rifle will be a first for her .........She just LOVES being out in the Mountains and I cant believe how many arrowheads she fiinds................anyway, because I love the CZ's and the 527 being a mini action plus the 6.5 Grendel Chambering just thought it would be a great rifle for her. Later on if she wants something more we can go from there. Would guess that the light recoil would help her learn to shoot better.
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