Rifle choice poll

Which rifle

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I wish I could like Remington but everyone I have bought as needed to be sent back to Remington for one reason or another I hope there quality comes back soon.
This is a 5R Milspec model... I have 2 of them (.308 Win & .300WM), and have zero issues with them. My .308 Win routinely shoots sub-1/4" groups at 100 yards with handloads.

Now, I will say this, the factory X-Mark Pro triggers are garbage, and will need to be replaced with a Jewell or Timney as soon as you buy the rifle. That's the only thing that the 5R rifles should need. Also, properly re-torquing the action screws to 65 inch-pounds helps to guarantee that the action isn't torquing in the stock.

I can say this with confidence... If you decide to give Remington one more shot to restore your faith in their products, this would be the rifle to do it with.
This is a 5R Milspec model... I have 2 of them (.308 Win & .300WM), and have zero issues with them. My .308 Win routinely shoots sub-1/4" groups at 100 yards with handloads.

Now, I will say this, the factory X-Mark Pro triggers are garbage, and will need to be replaced with a Jewell or Timney as soon as you buy the rifle. That's the only thing that the 5R rifles should need. Also, properly re-torquing the action screws to 65 inch-pounds helps to guarantee that the action isn't torquing in the stock.

I can say this with confidence... If you decide to give Remington one more shot to restore your faith in their products, this would be the rifle to do it with.
I'm sure I will give them another chance in the future one of my original choices was a sendero sfII 7mm Rem Mag
I'm sure I will give them another chance in the future one of my original choices was a sendero sfII 7mm Rem Mag
I won't buy another new Sendero until Remington takes my advice (that I've posted on the internet many times over the years) and starts using the 416R stainless blanks with 5R rifling (M24 barrel blanks turned down to match typical contour specs) and modern twist-rates in ALL of their 700 line. Then they would REALLY be on to something.

The only 2 new Remingtons that I'm interested in (until they start using 5R rifling in all their rifles), is the .260 that I linked you to, and a CDL SF in .257 Weatherby (mainly as a collector piece, and also because I still have TONS of .257 Wby ammo and brass collecting dust).
I can weigh in on this! I have the 1st gen mil-spec in 308.(greenstock) its a great gun, put a Calvin elite trigger on it.

I prefer the sako a7 range. Stock has a better fit to it. I tuned the trigger down to 1.5 lbs. it's nice and crisp.

The milspec are great guns but You won't be disappointed with the Sako.

Mud, we must have similar taste, I've often admired the cdl sf in a 257. I just looked the 2ndgen mil spec is offered in 6.5 creedmoor
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