Im writting this as a small warning about the handling of dead vermin.After I made the B.O.A.G.SHOT i carried the chuck back to the truck with no gloves .No thought of the consequenses. Now Im paying the price . 24 hours after getting home I was feeling bad ,cold sweat,weak and general flulike symtoms .Then the headachs started and got worse for the next three days. Next came the fever and chills for the next 5 days .On the tenth day a beautiful all over rash and a trip to the hospital. Just try to explain to a non hunter why a rational person would be carrying rock chuck around. They filed me with the appropriate antibiotics for the next 24 hours and then discharged me to battle this on my own. It will be weeks before the blood work will tell us what bacteria or virus got me, Tularamia or rocky mountain spotted fever fit the incubation sequense the best but I may never know. Im not going to let this keep me from hunting chucks but ill bet I wont be digging in a den or carrying one any time soon .good shooting 7mmrhb