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Removing invector choke, replacing with rem choke…? Is it possible?!

On most shotguns it costs less to replace the barrel with one that already has the feature you want.
Does muller sell their chokes direct or maybe make the different types in batches? I looked on their website but most were out of stock. Also what makes the mullers better than others?
Yes to both questions. Sign up for notifications when they come back in stock. I have Decoy and Passing here for my Benelli that I still need to pattern before this waterfowl season. If they work out I'll get a UFO for Turkey. Everything I have seen is they are the best no question. Appearance of the tubes, design wise, is also a step above even the aftermarket Carlson's I have for my backup 870, Beretta factory and extended Optima HP and any others I have seen. We'll see what the pattern board says....

What makes them better is that they are designed for each individual bore size and the way the choke tapers and straightens out is as close to a ideal as has been done short of a non-threaded fixed choke where transition and length is unrestricted.

DO NOT cut your barrel and thread with a conventional choke thread. Look closer at your barrel. They bell out at the end to accommodate the threads with enough wall thickness. You'd be cutting off that larger diameter section. You might get away with the super thin Briley classic type choke system but what's the point in doing that where it's already threaded? Also, as previously mentioned ID is different between brands and models. My Benelli 12ga is a smaller bore than my Beretta Silver Pigeon for example.
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Does muller sell their chokes direct or maybe make the different types in batches? I looked on their website but most were out of stock. Also what makes the mullers better than others?
I get mine through a dealer here in Canada so not sure about that. Maybe call them and ask. They always seem to pattern great. I run their chokes in a few different shot guns. That UFO shoots tighter than anything else I've ever seen.
Thanks all, thats likely what I'll do. I realize they won't pattern the same more than likely. I was just hoping to avoid buying 2-3 rem chokes ($200) and 2-3 (200 bucks) win chokes to see which patterned the best out of each gun. I'm generally not interested in using tss, I can't justify 10 bucks a shot when I can get lbxr, or even cheaper shells to get me to 40-45 yards which is all we should need. Even though the patterns and performance of tss outclasses anything else. If I were to start taking 20, 28, or 410 for turkey then it would be a different story
You can't justify the price of TSS but you can justify the time and money to rethread a barrel to a different choke system. That's probably not going to pattern the same as your other guns. And in the end still end up buying multiple chokes. Especially with a 12 gauge if my goal was only 40-45 yards. Just my 2 cents
You can't justify the price of TSS but you can justify the time and money to rethread a barrel to a different choke system. That's probably not going to pattern the same as your other guns. And in the end still end up buying multiple chokes. Especially with a 12 gauge if my goal was only 40-45 yards. Just my 2 cents
No problem not liking the TSS solution. Before I modified a shotgun barrel, I'd call Briley for Advice. They have this stuff down pat.
I put chokes in all of my riot shot guns and single barrel 12ga., but avoid adding the screw in chokes in the chrome lined barrels. I think that we get OCD on trying to replicate the fantastic patterns achieved in some chokes.

How many would ever think that a shot gun with buckshot would kill deer at 100 yards, and Predators at 80 yards on a reliable, regular basis.? Custom buckshot loads, Kicks butt kicker chokes are amazing performers. Check out Bubba Round Tree (Wade) on You tube for performance on buckshot using std shotguns with Kicks' chokes.

Still, if you can afford it, TSS is a game changer from what I read from trusted sources, but I do not shoot it, opt instead for Ballistic Products super hard buckshot and mold my own from 50/50 wheel weights and pure linotype.
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No problem not liking the TSS solution. Before I modified a shotgun barrel, I'd call Briley for Advice. They have this stuff down pat.
I'm not using TSS either. Just saying the fact that he says he can't justify the cost of TSS but can justify the time and money spent to cut and rethread a barrel to maybe save on a choke tube or 2. Especially when the end goal is 40-45 yards with a 12 gauge just seems a bit absurd. I mean I'm breaking clays at 50-70 yards with Beretta lite mods and 1oz target loads. I know that's different than turkeys but just saying no reason to over complicate it. And yes hands down Briley is the best source when it comes to anything shotgun barrel related
Thanks all, I'm going to follow the advice that all of you have given me and leave the gun as it is, no sense in messing something up. I'll keep my eye out for the muller ufos and pick one up for both guns (at least the weatherby) when they come back in stock. Once the rem choke reamer/tap gets here I can get the 870 back in action.

Also when I said that 40-45 yards is all I really needed I said that in the sense of I've never shot at a bird over that; most of my turkey hunting is in thicker hardwoods where shots are close, maybe 30 yards. I still pattern out to 60ish just for reference in the seldom chance I'm sitting a field edge or a clearing and it does happen occasionally.

They might not pattern the same, I expect nothing less, whichever one patterns the best will live on each gun. If for some reason one did pattern the best in both I'd have to get a second one. As both guns are typically used at the same time my wife has one and I have the other.

I viewed the cost savings of having one choke system (rem choke) would save me from spending 2-300 on chokes for EACH gun, the cost of changing the invector to rem choke (if possible and worthwhile) is zero. It would not cost me a dollar more than I am already spending on another project. I have a cylinder bore 870 that is cut and faced at 20 inches (by me, also for $0). The tap and reamer is already ordered for that project. It was like 60 bucks for the rental. Much cheaper than a new barrel.

I swear tss has a cult like following… I understand it's great but seems that it hits a nerve when I said I didn't want to use it and couldn't justify it. In most the testing I've seen and done lbxr gets it done out to 60-65. And the kicker is I can pattern from 20-70 in 10 yard increments and it cost the same as a single shell of tss lol. Is it better, yes. Does it need to get any better, no.
The barrels are going to vary so even if you rechoke them and run the same chokes in each they are most likely going to pattern a little different just due to how much one barrel is being constructed vs the other.

You can find deals on used chokes on eBay and shotgun world if you're patient. They pop up regularly. I've also yet to put a quality choke in a quality barrel and have **** poor results. IMO patterning is somewhat blown out of proportion. I'd have no problem putting a factory modified choke in a gun and running TSS with full confidence. Same with a full and lead turkey shot.
I run full and extra full chokes with Large shot including buckshot for predators.

Pattern at 40 yards and beyond if that is where you expect to take shots at.

Bubba Round Tree on You tube is a wealth of information on large shot patterns that are just mind blowing in how tight they can pattern at a distance with some work.
For the cost of choke tubes versus the time you will own and use the guns I would imagine it is not worth the time and cost to chop a barrel and rethread.

Imagine the cost of shells over the years versus the cost of a different set of tubes versus the cost, time, and work to standardize between the two threads. Just the cost of shells alone will be more than the hassle.

Put the money you would spend on the work on the tubes and save the length of the barrels.