morning, I ve had 4 788's. 3 243's 1 223. they all r very accuate. the 788's cost
$78.00 plus tax new. Remington advertised the 788's had the fastest firing pin
to cartridge time of any center fired cartridge. I never saw a 788 that would not
shoot good groups. the triggers r garbage. timmey triggers r a must.
I bought the 223 for a man in calif.. shot 600 yrd target matches. has a 28in
shilen barrel.when I got the rig the stock was butchered for a bi-pod. I put a B&C
stock, bedded the with devcon and #7 bird shot to add weight to the stock. put
together. the rifle shot ok?? 52gr. bthp sierra's. was not satisfied. went to berger VLD
75grs. 27.5 ramshot tac powder. fed 205m primer, and Winchester brass.
5 shots bughole. the rifle now is a 223AI. a definitely a plus. in the 243's
I shot the sierra 85gr. bthp. 4064, 4320 rl-15 760 powders Winchester brass
and 210fed. m primers. the 77gr Lapua senear bullet is a very accurate bullet.gun)