Remington 700 build

My next Hankins build will be sitting in a Stocky's Long Range V2 Carbon Fiber

Can this be milled for a ram rod also? I am looking into having Luke do my 700ml and currently am trying to research which stocks will work. I would really like to keep the ramrod to the barrel if possible
The ram rod shouldn't be a problem in this stock. I think Luke has used it before. I personally use the three piece collapsible ram rod with my guns.

Good luck with your build!
Jeff is great but it's a 6-9 month wait for just a barreled action at a cost of $1400 if he supplies the action, or approx $1000 if you supply the action. Arrowhead and Hankins both have virtually the same breach plug system, and both use Brux or Pac nor barrels. Both are top notch. I am having my gunsmith spin the barrel, blueprint my action, add a break, and nitride coat all metal. It will sit in a new carbon fiber m50 stock that weighs on 28 ounces. I will be shooting mine sabotless with BH209 and am expecting 2400 ft/sec velocity and .75 MOA accuracy out to 500 yards w/ 310 gr bullets. Expecting a lot, but all should be doable. Western deer And elk will not like this rifle.

Sounds like a winner! If you want to save a few dollars there will be zero benefits to having the action blueprinted unless you intend to pull the barrel and make it back into a Center-fire rifle later on.
Not sure if you've already completed your build or not but if you are still looking for a stock the McMillan game warden will fit a ram rod


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