Is this thread on Rem 700P 338 Lapua Faulty barrel or just a hi-jacked bitch on Remys?
I am sure there is plenty wrong with Remys, but could we take that to another thread and keep this one about 338 Lapua's.
It's a bit of both. The rifle that's afflicted with a flaw is a Remington, and these posts involve a discussion on how to resolve a flaw with a Remington product and other forum members experiences dealing with Remington. What would you prefer, that only nice things be said about the manufacturer of your Remingtion rifle? Do you think knocker started this thread because he's happy with his rifle as is and that he isn't looking for any assistance in what to do about a Remington rifle with a defective or poor quality barrel? Here's a thought. How about you trade knocker your rifle for his. You got a winner and he's got one of Remington's losers. Then knocker will be happy and you won't have to suffer the grief of reading other's posts about what to expect from Remington when a loser slips out of their factory.
If the originator of this thread, knocker wants to object to my post or claim that his thread has been hi-jacked, I would expect he's capable of doing so all on his own. Or did you feel he required your assistance? Other than that, there's no one forcing you to read my posts or others like it.
You'll find plenty of other threads about Remington products that will make you feel nice, warm, and cozy, if that's solely what you're interested in.
Thank you kindly.
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