Well-Known Member
If you wanna really make your wallet a true lightweight, keep reading this forum on a daily basis. Guns, ammo, optics equipment and time are a great substitute for a fully funded retirement account, right??!
Boy you may get an awful lot of advice regarding this area. Here is some decent advice that won't cost you much. Buy the book "The Practical Guide to Reloading" by Nathan Foster of Urenui, Taranaki, New Zealand. I am not affiliated in any way with this fellow but he knows his stuff and this book can probably save you quite a bit of cash in regard to deciding what equipment to purchase. I didn't know what worked well and what didn't and I went with the advice of some of my friends as I acquired the different elements of reloading equipment. Most of them do not reload to the level of accuracy that I generally manage to achieve. Over several years I ended up spending probably between $3000 to $4000 or more on different pieces of equipment. Had I known what I know now I could have been much more particular about what I bought and what I use the most. I just worked a 14 hour night... after I sleep some I could shoot you a note with some of what I think is necessary and what is fluff. You can certainly save a lot of money by reloading and you can certainly make more accurate ammo than you can buy. However, you can also spend an awful lot of money chasing that one hole group by doing more things to make your ammo just a little more accurate. Kinda like going down a rabbit hole... That book will go a long ways in regard to enlightening you about what to do, what you may want to buy, and how to use it properly.
Let me know...
In Canada. reloading for just about everything over .223....savings start at 50% and go up from there. Especially large savings if you are shooting something out of the everyday realm of shooting. I reload .460 Weatherby for about 37.00/ 20. Off the shelf they are 197.00-. 245.00. Bigger the shells...bigger the savings....and it is a great way to spend a few hours....very satisfying to make your own.Between my brother and I we have 8-10 custom rigs. They are all shooting hand loads. So all load development is done, by the shops that built the guns. We have the recipe for each. That being said, we have never reloaded. However with having a 700 yard range out the back door. It is getting expensive buying handloads from the gun Smith. So my question is what is the cost savings to loading your own? An what is the cost to buy all high end components to start reloading.
Cost to start up....Between my brother and I we have 8-10 custom rigs. They are all shooting hand loads. So all load development is done, by the shops that built the guns. We have the recipe for each. That being said, we have never reloaded. However with having a 700 yard range out the back door. It is getting expensive buying handloads from the gun Smith. So my question is what is the cost savings to loading your own? An what is the cost to buy all high end components to start reloading.
Between my brother and I we have 8-10 custom rigs. They are all shooting hand loads. So all load development is done, by the shops that built the guns. We have the recipe for each. That being said, we have never reloaded. However with having a 700 yard range out the back door. It is getting expensive buying handloads from the gun Smith. So my question is what is the cost savings to loading your own? An what is the cost to buy all high end components to start reloading.
Buy 2 or 3 reloading manuals (Hornady, Speer, Lyman, Nosler, etc.). Each will give instructions on loading. Get 2 or 3 catalogs of reloading materials and tools (Midway, Midsouth, etc.).Between my brother and I we have 8-10 custom rigs. They are all shooting hand loads. So all load development is done, by the shops that built the guns. We have the recipe for each. That being said, we have never reloaded. However with having a 700 yard range out the back door. It is getting expensive buying handloads from the gun Smith. So my question is what is the cost savings to loading your own? An what is the cost to buy all high end components to start reloading.