Reloading 6.5 CM

The next step in accuracy with the creedmoor is small primer Lapua brass and bushing dies to set neck tension and annealing brass. My sd's are ok but not where they need to be for long range. Doing the above should get me down in the low teens or single digit range.
The next step in accuracy with the creedmoor is small primer Lapua brass and bushing dies to set neck tension and annealing brass. My sd's are ok but not where they need to be for long range. Doing the above should get me down in the low teens or single digit range.
For whatever reason, the only combination that consistently produces single digit SD in my rifle is the 124 Hammer bullet and Varget. I am using Lapua SRP brass and mag primers.
I'm using Hornady brass. LRP. I can get some decent es but it's not consistent. I believe it's a neck tension issue and SRP brass is known to produce lower spreads.
Hornady used to print the recipe for the some of the 6.5mm factory ammo right on the box, it was H4350 in their brass, don't remember the charge off hand.

If the factory ammo is shooting well, seat your handloads to the same depth and test powder charges between 41-42gr of h4350. Pretty simple to duplicate.
My happy place is at 40.6 grains using the 143 ELD-X. Any more and I was seeing excessive pressure signs.
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