I see where you are coming from now. Thanks! I read about it sometimes. I didn't fully understand either. Learning and I will remember!It has nothing to do with individual cases and #lots of powder.
What it means is the powder burn rate is not CONSTANT across cartridges or even bore sizes.
Burn rate charts are a joke and not accurate in any way, they are a very rough guide as to what MAY be similar.
Anyway, this is well documented in many reloading manuals and powder sources.
For example, in straight wall cartridges, or those with minimal shoulder, such as H&H or 375 Weatherby, slow powders do not behave as they should, so a faster powder then behaves like a slow powder giving correct performance because the burn rate has changed due to the case shape. Example, H4350 replaces H4831 and gives far higher velocities in almost straight walled cases.