Reduced load, 30/06?

I use 150s with Imr 4895 and a win primer. One load is around 42 grains. 2600fps. The second load is 44 grains and is more consistent and very accurate. Right around 2700fps from a 24" barrel. Nothing wrong with H 4895 either but the Imr works just fine for me. Kills deer very well.
What are powder candidates using Hornaday 125grain SST Bullet? Thanks, D.
60 grains 1f black powder works well and is accurate to 200 yards. Used this load for a vintage match for S&Gs and was amazed at how well it worked. Clean up after the match was easier than smokeless. Have also used 24 grains of 2400 for a 2000 fps load for the kids.
Handloader magazine Jan-Feb 2017 had an article using 125 Speer TNT ahead of 16.0 Unique. Shoots well in my REM 78 30-06.
Hodgdon use to list 13.3 to a max of 19.0 of Trail Boss behind a 150 Hornady. 13.5 in my REM 78 shoots under 1" at 100 yards. Velocity is around 1,060 fps.
I have also used Unique behind 100-110 bullets at around 1,900 fps. These were found in an old American Rifleman Oct '87 magazine. 10.0 grains clustered them under an inch at the 100 yard range.
I have used H4895 as mentioned earlier to get my granddaughter use to her 7mm-08.

I've taken turkeys, grouse, a bobcat, and rabbits with these and didn't blow them to pieces. Best of luck in your pursuit!
I used to load reduced loads for kids at my club in 270 & 30-06. I used H4895 as it can be reduced SAFELY by 60%.
I also used Trail Boss, however, had strange occurrences with that powder with 110g bullets in both cartridges…

I used to load reduced loads for kids at my club in 270 & 30-06. I used H4895 as it can be reduced SAFELY by 60%.
I also used Trail Boss, however, had strange occurrences with that powder with 110g bullets in both cartridges…

I tried a few loads in 30/06 with imr 4198 out of an older manual that I had. Same thing you experienced. Wierd occurrences. Velocity was all over the place. I use IMR 4895 (because I have way more of it) and a hot primer if I'm going just a few grains under a starting book load and it works fine for that. But if I'm cutting way back I trust H 4895. I have heard that Unique works well also but I've never needed to sway from the 4895s