I don't actually agree with bedding the whole action. I have bedded a great many rifles and have tried many different methods from Pillars, to full glass to full action glued in.Good picture of the scuffing around the rear tang. This is why we should bed the whole action.
Afterr a lot of testing my go to is, from front of the mag well, recoil lug and 1.5" ahead of recoil lug, with no free play or taping of the lug, a Devcon pillar in the action screw, and then the Tang and the same Devon Pillar on the rear action screw. (Devcon Pillars are used if there isn't pillars already) This has worked best on most guns. I only vary this now if I find something unusual on a gun.
Whether I full length bed the barrel on sporter or lightweight barrels all depends on how the gun shoots after bedding lug and tang, shot free floated, then shot with a pressure point at the front.