Recently got a .264 sendero. Why isn't 264 more popular??

The gun is a tack hammer. I haven't gotten it anywhere to shoot over 100yds, but its on top of itself. So, why isn't this caliber more popular? Flat shooting magnum that not punishing, and everything I've read is positive. So, what gives?

It's OK to be lonely at the top! :Dlightbulb

All it matters is that it meets your need/intended purpose. Lots of technological improvement/advancements in barrel, bullets, powder, reloading techniques, etc .. since it's inception.

Find the right mix and have fun with it! :cool:
I agree that the 7mm rem mag stole the spotlight from the 264. I do think that Remington is behind the times when it comes to 6.5 caliber selection. Would it kill them to offer a creedmore, escpecially in a heavy barrel? I also think they could promote their own 260 as a long range round. Any option besides a 22-250 and a 308 would be nice.
I agree that the 7mm rem mag stole the spotlight from the 264. I do think that Remington is behind the times when it comes to 6.5 caliber selection. Would it kill them to offer a creedmore, escpecially in a heavy barrel? I also think they could promote their own 260 as a long range round. Any option besides a 22-250 and a 308 would be nice.
I agree completely. They seem to offer only 1 or maybe 2 rifles chambered in .260 Remington. And they're both Model 7's, if I'm not mistaken. Nothing wrong with a Model 7, but parts are more difficult to find compared to a 700, and the Model 7's bolt opening is about 1/2" shorter than a 700 short action.

The most accurate rifle I've ever owned (got stolen) was a custom 20" .308 Win built off a Model 7 action. It wasn't pretty, but it would shoot literally same-hole 3-shot groups with Hornady TAP (red box LE) 168 BTHP's.
The original 264 was set up for a dual diameter bullet that was smaller in front of the cantalure to reduce bearing surface and keep pressures down, this basically made the early production rifles only shoot with that bullet in factory ammo, that kept it from getting any traction early on.
Thats basically the opinion of the local shop here when I asked about it. They only had one box of shells that were $52. He immediately said, "I know thats a little high, but talk about an awesome, flat-shooting round". I then asked why he only had one box and he went on to give the same basic opinion. Early rounds, bullets and powder, we're not optimal. On top of that, remington needed their own caliber when starting there 700 series.....why have a flagship rifle model with its 2 most popular magnums "Winchester magnums". Anyway, he said he's had more requests for shells over the last year than in the previous five. So, he started to carry some. I passed, bought brass, and went that route. However, he jived with about everything here. Good info!
Thanks guys! Since this one shot so well, I decided to pick up 2 more from an estate sell yesterday. A win super grade and a ruger hawkeye. Couldn't pass them up! Im really impressed with how much energy it still carries at distance, without the punishment from sitting on a bench working up .300wm loads! Im sold on it, and I really appreciate the education!

tctt- these are both .264 also?
Yeah. I couldn't pass them up. Don't look like they've been shot. Super clean for a couple beautiful old guns
what vintage is the super grade? by the way the biggest typical mule deer ever was shot by .......... model 70, a .264 handload, 129 partitions.
Im not sure the year. Im not much of a winchester guy, so I had to look them up when I got home. I believe it says "sporter super grade". Maybe?? Something to that effect. The 300wm I got at the same place just said "sporter Classic" or something to that effect. I believe the guns to all be around 80's have more info? I can add pics later
And that's cool on the Muley! I need to start a new tradition of heading out west every year!
tctt- i have a 2005 super grade and really like it. ken waters handloading books has info on the .264 . my nephew shot a coues with a .264 sendero fairly long shot. very impressive.
When I got that Sandero, it had that leupold competition 40 x45 scope that I just sold on here last week. That was what was on it when we worked up the first round of loads, and they were perfect. I usd the same custom loads that my brother-in-law uses for his custom 264. I got a night force nxs from another member on here that I plan to put on that 264. I'm hoping to get it mounted and out to a range this week sometime. I'm really excited to see what it does at long range. Those super Grade, and supporter models are absolutely beautiful guns. I'm afraid to take them hunting, because I would just tear them up the first day. For my kids and myself, we are going to have to go synthetic and laminate all the way. We are just too rough on stuff!!
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