No More 264 Win Mag in 2012 Remington Sendero

I wonder why they anticipated the market enough to bring the cartridge offering back without knowing what bullets the users would want to use ? It is crazy to me they did not bring it back with a 1-8.
I called Remington Arms today and they confirmed that for 2016 they are manufacturing the Remington Model 700 Sensor SF II with the .264 Win Mag caliber.

They are having a manufacturing run for March and July.

I'm glad you got through. I opted to go via e-mail in hopes to post their response here but all I got so far was an automated service ticket number assigned for my 5 March query.
I'm glad you got through. I opted to go via e-mail in hopes to post their response here but all I got so far was an automated service ticket number assigned for my 5 March query.

Finally got a response ...

Dear Mr. XXXX,

We are currently manufacturing this model, order number 27307. Most of your local dealers should be able to order / back order this firearm for you. Thank you for visiting Remington Country! We certainly appreciate you taking the time to write in with your question, and we apologize for the delay in responding.

Should you have additional questions, please feel free to contact our Consumer Services Department at [HIDDEN], 9:00 am – 5:00 pm, EST, Monday through Friday.

Thank you and best regards,
Remington Customer Services
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