

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2014
Rapid City, South Dakota
Looking for info from anyone who has done this before. I found this company while searching the web Reboring . The idea seems logical to me and the price seems right. I have heard that rebored barrels can be superior to new barrels in that they have been "heat cycled" and stress relieved to a great extent by the time they are "shot out" that they are more stable than new steel. I have two rifles that I am considering doing this with. One is a Rem700VS in 22-250 that I would probably change to 260Rem or 7-08. The other is a Sendero in 25-06 that I would change to 280AI. Both rifles were extremely accurate before the bores started going south. If anyone has used this method before, please comment on what you liked about it as well as any downsides/regrets. It seems like a reasonably inexpensive way to deal with a worn bore versus rebarreling/squaring/blueprinting. Are there any other vendors who offer this service? Thanks for your time. -Quigley
I have used this man's service and found him to be very knowledgable
and easy to deal with.
But I haven't shot rifle, me being both busy and somewhat lazy,
so I can't report on that yet. I'm pretty sure I'll be happy.
I have used this man's service and found him to be very knowledgable
and easy to deal with.
But I haven't shot rifle, me being both busy and somewhat lazy,
so I can't report on that yet. I'm pretty sure I'll be happy.

No excuses!! I want answers, now! Get out and do some shooting! LOL:D I would love to hear some accuracy feedback on a rebored barrel.
Those prices are not remotely competitive to new barrels that are much higher quality!

I have rebored classic rifles but 700s are not classic. IMO total waste of money when compared to new match grade barrel.

However your money.
Those prices are not remotely competitive to new barrels that are much higher quality!

I have rebored classic rifles but 700s are not classic. IMO total waste of money when compared to new match grade barrel.

However your money.

My thoughts too. I have no expectation that a rebored barrel will be manufactured to the level of precision and quality control as a new barrel from a well established and respected company that manufactures custom barrels full-time.

I know a guy that just recently rebored a Win M70 30-06 to 35 Whelen. The barrel shoots reasonably well, but it's collecting copper like a smelting plant.

Upon closer examination of the bore, the machining marks in the bore are clearly visible to the naked eye.
Just for perspective, I rebored to .375, which is less common
to find in a ready-to-go barrel.
7mm barrels are easier to find.
Plus, I just wanted to try it.
I had a M70 rebored to 35 Whelen AI and it does collect copper since it wasn't lapped like a custom barrel is but then you pay extra for that and I was looking for something different. As far as cost I had it done for less than a new barrel and installation. The copper doesn't seem to hurt the accuracy and it's shooting very well for a .358. Bore Tech takes care of the copper so what's not to like.:D
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