Rear bag for hunting

Used lead shot bags full of lightweight plastic pellets.

I make some of them with essentially horizontal stripes sewn in so they can be rolled to the perfect height, others half and full filled. They weigh just a few ounces even when completely filled.

I use the same plastic pellets, but in a small Caldwell bag. Weighs nothing.
Does anyone have a good, light-weight solution for a rear bag while hunting? I have a bag, but it seems a little heavy and bulky to put in my pocket while hiking.

I was chatting with a co-worker, and he mentioned hearing of a guy that takes an old tube sock in his pocket. When he gets into position, he fills it with dirt and ties off the end, effectively making a rear bag.

Has anyone tried this? It seems pretty clever to me, but was looking for additional thoughts.

The Scum Bag from Flatline Ops ✅✅
Still dragging around my accuracy 1st bag attached to my sling so it's always there if I need it
Unless I'm close to the truck, I can't bring myself to tote around a rear bag. Generally just use my bivvy. It's like a rear bag that can become a home if I get stranded. A jacket or hoodie rolled up and packed into it's own hood works, or a combination of the two.
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