Rear shooting bag

I have a Dog Gone Good rear bag that's handy. It recently busted a seam after twenty years of use. I'll use whatever is handy from a sock filled with beans to a rolled up jacket.
Game changer or fortune cookie isn't ideal for a rear bag. Too big, bulky and heavy. The mini versions are better. I personally like the Rifles Only "Brick". It offers three different heights, and because it has square corners, is pretty stable.

You are correct. When I read the op, I missed that the question was regarding a rear bag. My apologies. I use a leather Protektor filled with heavy sand for a rear bag, or a Caldwell with heavy sand.
midwayusa had their shooting mats and bags on sale last week. i ordered one and it just got here today. it's pretty nice for the price.
Why not use a cut to size 2X6 or 8 and place under the existing bag? That is what I have to do at one range I shoot. Just another option to consider.
If you need a 2x8....why not just take a picnic table?🤣. Or buy one of my Quick detach monopods with 3.5" or 28 degrees of elevation or decline if on the stock


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I love my Hunters Wedge but wish it had a hard bottom to it. The soft bottom is great for hunting but tends to roll on a bench
When using the Hunter's Wedge with both my CA BA Tactical and CA MPR I turn the bag over with the flat side up and sock it a couple of times to take advantage of the flat bottom stocks.Just recently I added a Long Shot Precision Adjustable Bag Rider to my CA MPR which is the greatest thing since sliced bread,allowing the butt to be raised or lowered without having to fiddle around with bag height,awesome product!Watch the Chamber Brake video.

Was first made aware of it when I saw this dude "Chamber Brake" using it,the brother has no arms and shoots,hand loads,etc.,etc.,etc. just using his feet(has around 100 videos),pretty damned amazing!
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