
The main reason the ad is so trouble some is because as you mouse around , searching you just hardley touch it and it opens.They are taking advantage of how you use the mouse,sinister advertizing:cool:
The main reason the ad is so trouble some is because as you mouse around , searching you just hardley touch it and it opens.They are taking advantage of how you use the mouse,sinister advertizing:cool:

Yep, pretty clever on their part ... and it's strategically placed under the tabs (Home, LRH Store, etc ...), at least on mine and with it covering ~2/3 of the width of the screen, it's kind of hard to miss. :rolleyes:
Yep, pretty clever on their part ... and it's strategically placed under the tabs (Home, LRH Store, etc ...), at least on mine and with it covering ~2/3 of the width of the screen, it's kind of hard to miss. :rolleyes:

This morning it is a Phard truck ad. That's even worse!!!:D But the phard ad is a bit smaller and does not start blasting you with a verbal ad as well like the JD ad.

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