Ramshot LRT Powder Info

I ended up running Reloder 26 in my 300 PRC but have a 338 Rogue coming together soon. I still have a bunch of LRT to play with and hope it may be a good performer in the Rogue. Anyone have any results using LRT in the 338 bore? The factory 338LM data looks great with the 330gr bullets and will give me a decent starting point to work up from.
Loaded up some for the 338LM and shot them yesterday. Found three nodes that look promising group-wise. The recoil seemed a bit sharper but still not uncontrollable. The projectiles were some Hornaday 285 grain ELDM's and Berger 300 OTM's. Still early but there is a promise. My go-to loads use H1000 and they are capable of sub-MOA when I do my part.
Finally got an 80F day on the range today, and 89gn of LRT, CCI-250, Peterson 28Nosler, 195 EOL, is pretty sticky on the bolt lift :eek:

I was going to use the high velocity node in my 27" barrel, but I think may have time to re-test, and back it back down to the 87-87.4 node?!

Previous testing in 43-50F weather, ES/SD were good & stable. It didn't go RL26 atomic device, but for sure at MAX, at 80F.
Brownell and Midway had the powder a few weeks back. Got 6lbs in 3 orders of 2lb each. 4-1lbs were the same lot and the other 2 were a different lot. There wasn't any 8lbs lots. I would have gotten 1-8lbs bottle. O-well glad to got what I got. Midway was gone in 1 day, and Brownell was gone in 2 days. You have to put in on the wish list, and watch every day.
8# in stock now at Mid South:
I just developed the following 300 RUM load:

230-grain Berger Hybrid OTM bullet
COAL is 0.003" off the lands
97.1 grains of LRT powder
Norma brass (new, no prep)
Federal 215M primers

Results: 0.192" three-shot 100-yard group, 2,956 fps muzzle velocity

Neat powder; tiny spherical kernels will let you meter extremely precise charge weights (+/- 0.02 grains), if your scale can manage it.
I just developed the following 300 RUM load:

230-grain Berger Hybrid OTM bullet
COAL is 0.003" off the lands
97.1 grains of LRT powder
Norma brass (new, no prep)
Federal 215M primers

Results: 0.192" three-shot 100-yard group, 2,956 fps muzzle velocity

Neat powder; tiny spherical kernels will let you meter extremely precise charge weights (+/- 0.02 grains), if your scale can manage it.
This is also a good powder for the 300 PRC with heavy bullets. This is a 5 round string at 620 yards, 87.5 grains pushing 225 ELDs yielded 2932 fps. I plan on trying it with the 245 burgers soon.
Whelp, I've got about 15 lbs of this stuff on the wal lol. Going to try it out in a 28 Nosler, and a 6.5 RPM. Shows good velocities in QL for both.
What kind of ES/SD were you getting with that load? What brass and barrel length?
SD 9 ES 19
28" bbl
Hornady Brass
Probably needs some depth tuning to tighten things up further.

87.7 gave me 2989 fps 12 SD 24 ES and that's a max load according to Ramshot, could probably go higher but I'm not that adventurous.
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