Ramshot LRT Powder Info

Maybe, maybe not? Can't have enough powder these days, I'v 2 #8 for 28 Nosler, 300 RUM, 6.5x284 Norma.
I'm shooting fewer and fewer overbore magnums where this powder appears to shine. Going to see how much I can stuff in a 6.5 rpm though just for fun, retumbo works great so far.
Just picked up some lrt for my 28 nosler . I was useing h1000 and was having problems getting it to shoot the 168 barns .droped to 150 and my groups were better . Now that the hunting season is over im going to try the 168 s again with the LRT. i know alot of guys useing berger but i dont want to eat lead thats why i went with barns i have only been reloading for a year so im still a beginer any tips appreciated.
Just picked up some lrt for my 28 nosler . I was useing h1000 and was having problems getting it to shoot the 168 barns .droped to 150 and my groups were better . Now that the hunting season is over im going to try the 168 s again with the LRT. i know alot of guys useing berger but i dont want to eat lead thats why i went with barns i have only been reloading for a year so im still a beginer any tips appreciated.
If it were me, and I do have Ramshot Magnum (no H1000), I would still use the H1000 type speed powder's, with bullets lighter than 175gr. This comes from using 7STW since it's inception.

What barrel length/twist?
If it were me, and I do have Ramshot Magnum (no H1000), I would still use the H1000 type speed powder's, with bullets lighter than 175gr. This comes from using 7STW since it's inception.

What barrel length/twist?
I have a cooper firearms with a proof research barrel. 26 inch 1 in 8 twist
Did some indoor data testing, for pressure & velocity only, this afternoon, with new barrel and new Peterson brass. Great extraction, case condition, pressure and velocities. Got 2-3 nodes nodes to work with and possibly another above 91gr?!

Just picked up a keg of this stuff, honest question why is it so cheap? Half price of vihta vuori and 30% less than hodgdon/imr.
I found good loads for this in my 264 win mag (26" 8 twist just over 3200FPS with 140 speer gold dot) and my 7mm-300 win (27" X-Caliber 5R 8 twist and 195 Berger at 2900 +) I started at 72 grains and worked up in both rifles.
I have been using it in my 257 Roy and have great results. Getting over 3300 in my 24" vanguard and sub 1/2" groups with 115 Nosler CTBT. Western Powders claim it's more temperature stable than Retumbo. It has worked well with no pressure issues from 25 degrees to 105 degrees. I'm bulding a RPM and my son is building a 6.5PRC and we plan on running it in both of them with 156 Bergers.
We had the same issue with my son's 6.5 PRC. I'm guessing that it has something to do with the burn rate in that shape of case. We have had great success in the 257 Roy, 6.5 x284, and the RPM with LRT.
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