Today is overcast, chilly, 42 degrees F, with winds of 25 mph gusting to 35 mph. Walt and I went out looking around this morning and I see where there is a small footed coyote that has decided it needs to dig a new crawl under every time it goes under a fence. The foot size tells me it's most likely a female, the digging a new hole tells me that it has been educated to snares set in the fence line. It most likely jumps the fence often as well. I know where it's living so one of these days when the wind isn't blowing hard, I will give it a go at being called. It's getting the time of year that I will start using coyote vocalizations again. Most likely a locator call series at this time nothing very aggressive or challenging, just a I'm new here and wanting to see who else is around kind of talk. I have been around the other guy in the area and know that he overuses the E-caller and distressed animal sounds, so they are off the list, he used to work for the board. I would suspect that it might be wearing part of a snare or at the least has seen too many dead coyotes in fence snares. I am sure that it knows to lay down and not run from the aircraft as well. This is the type of coyote that kept me interested in the challenge as well as aggravated me when I needed to kill the problem coyote. They will be the ones to have a litter of pups teach its mate how to be like it and the pups when they are old enough to hunt, they are the ones that kill lambs to feed the kids and die of old age with few to no teeth left, the rancher will kill it's mate and some of the kids and normally not realize the it is still out there for next year. They are the ones that the control guys earn their money on lose sleep over scratch their heads on and the ones that keep them doing it.