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Ramblings and Such From Hunting Coyote

Well now let use take a look and we will see that you guys do have some good things for us to read about . Not a one of us hasn't had something that wasn't interesting for others to read . I should have just said ramblings and such so that I could hear about some interesting hunts and other things . Control guys do a lot of head scratching and loose lots of sleep at times depending on how you are wired . Some guys just look at a well trained coyote as just another day in the life , others take it personal and work hard at getting them shut down . Some guys count on the plane and ground crew . Others set traps , snares or M-44's what ever their area of expertise is . Like all other aspects of life we all have areas that we are better at then other areas , are more interesting to us and that we try harder to get good at . I had a time when there were some new guys that hadn't figured out just what area it was that they wanted to do and so spent a lot of time experimenting with all different aspects of control so I spent quite a bit of time trying to clean up their mess's . Still as with all jobs in life there are those that just kind of drift around in a daze , I call those guys drift wood because every now and then you need to throw them back in the water so they can keep moving along .
I was doing some starling control work once the boss wanted to try these new electronic devices out . You would figure out where the birds roosted and place speakers there then set up the box make the settings for what sounds and the different frequencies you wanted to use turn it on and go away . It worked well for a couple of weeks then they got used to it . So they had been set up and running for a month or so when the company decided they needed to replace some asbestos insulation and brought in a company to do that kind of work . This company is like so many others in that they want to make the most and pay the least so they had a crew from Brazil that spoke portuguese and only had one english speaking person running the crew . I get called to get my self up to such and such place and level to talk with the boss of the crew . I get there and find that there are about twenty people gathered up in a small huddled group speaking wildly pointing and not so very happy about much of anything . The foreman comes over to me and he has a big problem the crew was out there working and all of a sudden there was this squeaking squawking sound from out of no where . Now these people having just come out of some small villages down south had never been around anything like that decided that there were some kind of very evil spirts floating around telling them to get the h!@l out of dodge . After some hard talking and a lot of coaxing we got a couple of them to come with us so that I could show them just what it was that made those sounds . They kind of decided that it was ok and uneasily went back to work . The sad part is that these people are brought here given a little training paid a pittance worked like dogs and most likely never told about asbestos they think they are in the tall cotton and now can send money home to feed the family while twenty of them are living in one house paying rent and the company is getting rich at the cost of their lives . One of them brough out a picture of the family transportation they were so proud of being able to buy because they were here working , a new ford tractor that had maybe 10 people riding on it going to town instead of walking to town .
Dave, at John Graham's "coyote days" when I met you, I spoke with Major Boddicker for a while and he has great stories like yours. He once called in an elephant and it was mad and chased him and his native guide and they barely got away. He has called about everything imaginable.
Straight Shooter .

This might have been the conversation between Major Boddicker and his tracker :

" Well , Major , what kind of call is that which you are using ?"
"My good man , that is a Cow Elephant - IN HEAT . The Bull Elephant will RUN 10 miles to breed the Cow ."
"And Major , what will you do IF you call in a Bull Elephant ?"
"My good man , I will take his picture , of course ."
"Well , Major , THAT Bull coming in right now , DID NOT run 10 miles to pose for your photographs !!!!"

I have had a couple opportunities to make a coyote have a bad day while goose hunting also. Goose calling with 100ish full body decoys and hid real well in the middle of the spread and in the middle of a large stalk field. If they don't wind you they can get close enough lol. I think with any predator, they can just be opportunistic feeders. And the colder it gets the more that comes into play.
My stories are a compilation of things that took place over a period of 36 years hunting so we all know that we don't have interesting things happening every day . So then you may not be having any thing going on today or even in the last few weeks to have had some interesting things to share with others . I got told one time that I was kissing the district managers back side because he called this guy into his office and told him to read my monthly report . I smiled and ask him why he would think that and what would I have to gain by that . He said well because of the amount of time and details that I had put into it . I shook my head smiled and ask him you don't think that he may have been kindly asking you to file a more detailed monthly report . A couple of days latter he just said you were right so then I ask him what was I right about . He hung his head and said well I ask why he had shown me your report and he told me I wanted you to see an example of the kind of monthly reports you should be sending in . Not all is as it seems at times but I try to always do my best or at least what I think is my best . And I really enjoy what you guys share with us of any of your hunting experiences the ones that have gone really good and the ones that didn't always go as planned but that have a lesson that was learned by them . It only got to -4 for a high here today with a wind chill of -40 I wouldn't go out in that unless I really needed to and some people have to . Thankfully there have been some very fine advancements in cold weather gear if any of you need to get out in this cold stuff please take care and come back in safely .
Animals that hunt to live are prone to taking advantage of food when ever they can they don't tend to turn down a turkey or goose dinner if it's available and I have noticed they tend to investigate the possibilities of any easy meal till they are taught that sound isn't anything but trouble so why not look into turkey or goose sounds in the right areas and time . You guys have the right mind set for hunting coyote .
I had an apprentice one time that on his first day told me there isn't any thing that you can teach me I already know more then you do . I smiled at him then said ok that's good to know and didn't waste my time or breath with him for the rest of his training letting him just bumble his way through the rest of his apprenticeship . So then move forward a few years and he's now trying to get into management and has all of us in a meeting with all the big guys and is trying to impress them . So he singles me out and says I want you to tell me and write this down explaining every thing you can about such and such . I just smiled at him and said do you remember your first day as an apprentice when you told me that I had nothing that I could teach you as you already knew more then I did , well that is as true today as it was then . I wasn't welcome in that meeting any longer and I don't think I missed out on much of anything . Yes I am an a@# at times .
I would say you answered that question perfectly. And handled him in his apprenticeship perfectly also. I've encountered a few of those "educated idiots" before too and handled them the exact same way. When a few of them finally realize that they're having issues and ask what they are doing wrong I just give the shoulder shrug and say I don't know. But to myself I say you had your chance so suffer and figure it out yourself lol.
Did a drive by today, coyote was a little over 400 yards, put the 500 yard hash below it and Ka-Powed her, she took off running flopped down a couple times and was done. Walked out and retrieved her, her right rear leg was almost nonexistent looks like a long time ago she could have been shot, all healed and only a third the length of normal. She was possibly 3 years old heavy and fat....when I stopped she ran, but the old barks stop them most times, it was her last time. Some guard hairs missing but not bad. Shot was dead center in her, probably behind the diaphragm and it exited very small......still like that 39 grain SBK accurate and deadly.
had a buddy call and said he just drove by 3 coyotes on edge of interstate a mile out if town, time we got there they had crossed and were into rough country...but you never know when opportunity happens.
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Did a drive by today, coyote was a little over 400 yards, put the 500 yard hash below it and Ka-Powed her, she took off running flopped down a couple times and was done. Walked out and retrieved her, her right rear leg was almost nonexistent looks like a long time ago she could have been shot, all healed and only a third the length of normal. She was possibly 3 years old heavy and fat....when I stopped she ran, but the old barks stop them most times, it was her last time. Some guard hairs missing but not bad. Shot was dead center in her, probably behind the diaphragm and it exited very small......still like that 39 grain SBK accurate and deadly.
had a buddy call and said he just drove by 3 coyotes on edge of interstate a mile out if town, time we got there they had crossed and were into rough country...but you never know when opportunity happens.
Still on a dry spell here