How is the prey base? If it was low this past year, they may not have had many pups. Were there any diseases running thru them this year? All of that plays a part in how many there are in an area. When their numbers are down, they are more cautious as well. It's getting close to December and breeding season is just around the corner. They might not be talking much at this time especially if their numbers are low, they will be quiet. With breeding season coming up they will be starting to vocalize with whines, whimpers and chirps, as well as low growls that aren't of a threatening nature. Several years ago, Randy Anderson had a short section of a video that showed a coyote doing the chirps whines and whimpering when they are excited and greeting another coyote. A guy named Rick Paluett, I think that's how his name is spelled, has some videos called the verminators, might have some videos showing better how to do those sounds. Adult deer blats are working at this time of year as well, so many people have been running rabbit sounds, a lot also use and overuse coyote vocalizations, that aren't normal for this time of the year. They aren't real territorial at this time of year so if you choose to use coyote vocalizations try keeping them more in the friendly range such as interrogation howls, two longer howls a bark and one howl, wait for up to five minutes and repeat this up to 30 minutes. Few barks or alarm sounds now, and you should get responses. At the end of January is when they will be getting the urge to pair up and then you can start to become more aggressive with the coyote vocalization. The female tones will be working good now and later the male tones will be doing better as they get paired and start setting up their home ranges. Two short howls and two barks with 30 seconds wait then repeat at this time later in the day will get them to answer it's kind of a gathering call asking if anyone wants to get together and go hunting, done in male or female tones. When doing control work, I often used a siren for locating them. I didn't have much luck calling them after using the siren, but they would often come into the siren, so I would find them one day and go back in a day or two if we weren't flying for them, and they weren't causing problems. If you have an e-call and don't use hand calls, try some of the deer calls or some of the bird sounds as well as some of the non- threatening coyote sounds, I try to stay with the adult sounds as I needed my backup sounds for killing the killers in the spring and didn't want the left overs to be trained about them, so I stayed away from puppy sounds or other sounds that weren't normally in nature at this time of year.