And again, there was an attack on a toddler by a coyote in AZ . The interview that I saw was short and quick, but the officer said he thought the coyote may have been fed by humans as it has no fear of people. I have seen a lot of coyotes raised by people even when you get them with their eyes closed, they have a wild streak in them, and don't really make a pet. When I have seen the ones raised in a pen for urine collection they pace back and forth in it always wanting to be free. Most of the ones that people thought were their pets made the escape and went back to running but weren't afraid of humans then and became aggressive. Deer are the same they don't really make good pets and are better left to fend for themselves. Around 80 people are attacked by deer every year in the United States that have been fed by people. I would suspect that the USDA Wildlife Services guys will be called to come kill the coyote and have Rabies testing done but I am sure the little guy and his mom are already getting the preventive shots. Again, well-meaning people that really don't understand what it is that they are doing will cause more harm to wildlife than they will do good for them. If you know of people that are feeding wild animals, ask them not to I will not argue with them but will tell them why they shouldn't, they actually will be the cause that these animals will end up being put down. Last year I saw some rubber feed pans in the front yard of a house beside a road latter in the day I saw a small herd of mule deer crossing the road going to feed at the feeders within a week I saw one road killed deer there and two that had been hit with broken legs flopping as the moved. Next, I saw Game and Fish trucks two guys picked up the feed and then dispatched the deer with the broken legs. Yes, they were taken care of to death because someone didn't stop to think ahead of what their actions actually would end up causing.