For me the most important thing is that if it's working then keep using it but also explore different avenues at the same time so I can find other ways to do the job at hand as well as I can. Things change all of the time new products come out because someone didn't like what they had at the time, or they thought that they could make it work better for them in their situation. It doesn't matter if it's hunting coyote or mowing our lawn if it's working keep doing it that way but keep thinking about how we can make it work better for us as things change in our situations, the temperatures change they get warmer or they get colder, the weather gets wetter or dryer, coyotes have pups, the pups need fed, the pups grow, they leave the den, they start learning to hunt with mom and dad, mom or dad gets killed so the other one needs to change how they do things to provide for the kids, the kids set out on their own and may take the easy food route, they get hungry and respond to our calls readily, they have a few close encounters with people some live but are terrified by it a loud noise or a bad sting a wound now they are more cautious of people all of these things play into how we as hunters need to change to fit the life changes happening in the life of the coyote all the while the equipment that we have available to is also changing so we , unlike me, need to change with it lol we can't let ourselves stagnate either. We live, grow and expand our horizons every day as do the coyotes we pursue.