Ed; Here with the gusty swirling winds, it's tough we might have three different wind speeds and directions in 300 or 400 yards depending on your location and the terrain you are in. You might be out on the flats with your target near the base of a steep bluff, where you are the wind may be coming flat and out of the southwest farther out there might be a slight rise so then you have an upward wind, as you get closer to the bluff you can have a hard down draft due to the wind hitting the base of the bluff then moving upward rapidly and rolling back on its self so it gives you a rotating effect back aways from the base of the bluff with a hard downward wind but within a few feet you have the hard winds moving upward and or to the sides where it hits the bluff . We get swirling winds because of the way the sun heats the earth some being bare and darker ground, some being grass covered and not heating as fast as the bare ground. Deep draws and steep upward sloping hills facing different directions cause different wind speeds and directional changes. The shape and different BC's have helped, bullet weights as well as the burn rate of the powders, barrel length and twist rates all have been improved on in the last couple of decades making life better for shooting in the varying terrains, altitudes, temperatures and shifting winds along with the availability and access to handheld wind meters giving us temperatures and altitude as well. It is rocket science! I am so glad to see the changes for the better that have been made in the shooting sports.